If you are concerned about the Garrison regime, if you are unable to post to "Mike's blog," this is the place...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

WVUMIR Petition: 431 names in support of Garrison's Resignation - and more every day

Sign the petition at http://www.wvumir.org. The petition is open to faculty, staff, students, alumni, community members, and friends of WVU.

The award of an unearned eMBA degree to Heather Bresch has called the academic integrity of West Virginia University into serious question and has led to unprecedented public outrage and embarrassment to WVU.

President Mike Garrison assigned his senior advisors to participate in the deliberations that led to this award. The extent of his subsequent personal involvement in or knowledge of this award is the subject of widespread speculation fueled by his perceived lack of candor and the unusual manner in which these deliberations were carried out.

This speculation has shaken confidence in his leadership. Calls for his resignation are emanating from faculty, students, and alumni in all parts of the country. WVU donors have rescinded major contributions pending his removal from office. Critical and derisive press coverage has appeared around the globe. We have never seen the WVU community so divided, so afraid, and so deeply troubled.

As President of WVU, Mike Garrison bears a unique responsibility to act in the best interests of the University. Regardless of the extent of his direct involvement, the highly publicized award of an unearned eMBA under his watch has damaged his effectiveness and his credibility as President. We doubt that WVU will be able to restore its reputation and its academic integrity under his leadership.

PETITION: We, the undersigned, respectfully request the WVU Board of Governors to require Mike Garrison’s resignation, for the good of West Virginia University and for the benefit of its students, parents, faculty, staff, friends, and alumni throughout the world.

The names below are as of 1pm 5/13/08. We will continue to regularly update the petition with names from the online petition.

1. Katherine Aaslestad ECAS - History
2. Tim Adams ECAS - English
3. Mohamad Alkadry ECAS - Public Admin
4. Sandy Baldwin ECAS - English
5. Brian Ballentine ECAS - English
6. Tom Basden Extension
7. Gwen Bergner ECAS - English
8. Robert Blobaum ECAS - History
9. Robert Bossarte HSC - Community Medicine
10. Drew Bradlyn HSC - Health Research Center
11. Laura Brady ECAS - English
12. Mark Brazaitis ECAS - English
13. Paul Brown HSC - Physiology
14. Katherine Bruner ECAS - Geology
15. Jonathan Burton ECAS - English
16. David Cerbone ECAS - Philosophy
17. Nyles Charon HSC - Microbiology, Immunology, Cell Biology
18. Philip Chase ECAS - Psychology
19. Ian Christie ECAS - Math
20. Chris Ciesielski ECAS - Math
21. Robert Cochrane AF&CS - Animal Science
22. Dale Colyer AF&CS - Agriculture and Resource Economics
23. Patrick Conner ECAS - English
24. Robert Creese CEMR - Industrial and Manage. Systems Engineering
25. Scott Crichlow ECAS - Political Science
26. John Crotty CCA - Music
27. Brian Cushing B&E / ECAS - Economics
28. Jay Dolmage ECAS - English
29. Kurt Donaldson GIS Tech Center
30. Richard Easton ECAS - English
31. Barry Edelstein ECAS - Psychology
32. Boyd Edwards ECAS - Physics
33. Thomas Elliott HSC - Microbiology, Immunology, Cell Biology
34. John Ernest ECAS - English
35. Lara Farina ECAS - English
36. Jeff Fedan HSC - Physiology
37. Marty Ferer ECAS - Physics
38. Mary Ferer CCA - Music
39. Jorge Flores ECAS - Biology
40. Elizabeth Fones-Wolf ECAS - History
41. Ken Fones-Wolf ECAS - History
42. Marilyn Francus ECAS - English
43. Peter Gannett Pharmacy
44. Harry Gingold ECAS - Math
45. John Goldwasser ECAS - Math
46. Steven Graber HSC - Biochemistry
47. James Harms ECAS - English
48. James Harner ECAS - Statistics
49. Charles Harris ECAS - Biochemistry
50. Kirk Hazen ECAS - English
51. Brad Hillgartner HSC - Biochemistry
52. Jeffery Hogg HSC - Radiology
53. Barbara Howe ECAS - History/Women's Studies
54. Ming-jeng Hwang B&E / ECAS - Economics
55. Arthur Jacknowitz Pharmacy - Clinical Pharmacy
56. Elizabeth Juckett ECAS - English
57. Katherine Karraker ECAS - Psychology
58. David Keefer WVUP - Business
59. George Kelley HSC - Community Medicine
60. Virginia Kleist B&E
61. Robert Klingelhoefer CCA - Theatre & Dance
62. John Lamb ECAS - English
63. Kevin Larkin ECAS - Psychology
64. David Lewellen CEMR - Mech & Aero Engineering
65. Andy Lattal ECAS - Psychology
66. Roger Lohmann ECAS - Social Work
67. Jay Malarcher CCA - Theatre & Dance
68. David Martinelli CEMR - Civil & Environmental Engineering
69. Michael Mays ECAS - Math
70. Steve McCluskey ECAS - History
71. Jerry McGonigle CCA - Theatre
72. James McGraw ECAS - Biology (Eberly professor)
73. Nancy McIntyre B&E - Marketing
74. Michal McMahon ECAS - History
75. Daniel McNeil HSC/ECAS - Psychology
76. Betsy Miller HSC - Ob/Gyn
77. Michael Miller HSC - Biochemistry
78. Tracy Morris ECAS - Psychology
79. Hawley Montgomery-Downs ECAS - Psychology
80. Victor Mucino CEMR - Mech & Aero Engineering
81. Byron Nelson ECAS - English
82. Carolyn Nelson ECAS - English
83. Gordon Nunn CCA - Music
84. Erica Owens Yeager ECAS - Sociology
85. Robert Pack HSC - Community Medicine
86. Kent Parker HSC/ECAS - Psychology
87. Julie Patrick ECAS - Psychology
88. Graham Peace B&E - Business Administration
89. Susan Pearce ECAS - Sociology
90. Michael Perone ECAS - Psychology
91. Janis-Rozena Peri CCA - Music
92. William Pettit HSC - Innate Health
93. Gerald Pops ECAS - Public Administration
94. R. Scott Pore HSC - Microbiology, Immunology, Cell Biology
95. Aina Puce HSC
96. Ben Ramsden HSC - Neurobiology and Anatomy
97. William Reece B&E / ECAS - Economics
98. Bill Reger-Nash HSC - Community Medicine
99. Heimo Riedel HSC-Biochemistry
100. Sherman Riemenschneider ECAS - Math
101. Kathleen Ryan ECAS - English
102. Adrienne Salm HSC - Neurobiology and Anatomy
103. Mary Ann Samyn ECAS - English
104. Joseph Scotti ECAS - Psychology
105. Judith Sedgeman HSC - Innate Health
106. Eva Segert -Tauger Law
107. Linda Shuster HR&E - Speech Pathology
108. William Skidmore CCA - Music
109. Ronald Smart ECAS - Chemistry
110. Richard Smosna ECAS - Geology
111. Patricia Soltzfus HSC - Radiology
112. JoNell Strough ECAS - Psychology
113. Timothy Sweet ECAS - English
114. Aaron Timperman ECAS - Chemistry
115. Sergei Urazhdin ECAS - Physics
116. Steve Urbanski Journalism
117. Daniel Van Vliet ECAS - Math
118. Matthew Vester ECAS - History
119. Scott Weed HSC - Cancer Center
120. Lisa Weihman ECAS - English
121. Jeffrey Wells ECAS - Biology
122. Christopher Wilkinson CCA - Music
123. Matthew Wilson AF&CS - Animal & Nutritional Science
124. William Wonderlin HSC - Biochemistry
125. Steven Zdatny ECAS - History
126. Jeremy Zelkowski ECAS - Math
127. Allison Tetreault
128. Amanda Gale Lawson
129. Amy Swann
130. Andrea Ramsey
131. Andrew Sabak
132. Anita Petri
133. Ann Burgess,aster's of Communication, 2001; alumni association member
134. Ann Daniel, Alumni
135. Annastella Vester, Clinical Assistant Professor, Foreign Languages
136. Anthony P Oliverio, BS Business WVU MSIR WVU 1986
137. Ben Weinstein, WVU graduate student in Psychology
138. Bill King
139. Brandon Geer, WVU Alum 2007
140. Brian Areford, College of Law - J.D. 2007 College of Arts & Sciences - B.A. (Poli. Sci.) 2004
141. Brian Perkins, WVU alumus 2001
142. Bruce King, EMBA Grad 2004
143. Chad Wilcox
144. Charles Larue
145. Charles Raad, D.D.S., WVU Class of '70, retired
146. Charles W. Hill
147. Charlie Fulton
148. Charlotte Riley
149. Chelsea Ale
150. Chris Drescher
151. Christina A. Alligood
152. Christopher Confalone, Current Political Science Sophomore at WVU from Clifton,NJ.
153. Christopher R. Buyarski
154. Cindy H. Currey
155. Constance B. Plevelich
156. Corey Strimer
157. Craig L. Dean
158. Cynthia L. Castilow
159. Daniel Harris
160. Daniel Nolan
161. Danielle M. Duvall
162. David Atkins
163. David Dobson
164. David Morrison
165. David P. Jarmolowicz, Psychology Doctoral Student
166. David Warnick
167. Deatra L. Markham
168. Gary G. Markham
169. Dee Cockrille
170. DeLena Powell Smith
171. Dimitris Korakakis
172. Douglas D. Glover
173. Elizabeth A. DiGiustino
174. Ellan Toothman, Independent Consultant
175. Eric Goedereis
176. Eugenie Taylor
177. F. L. Davis
178. Frances Johnson
179. Frank R. Culver
180. Fred Golden
181. Fred Wilson
182. Gail K. Lantz
183. Gail Michelson, '93 College of Law
184. George C. Armstrong
185. Glenn Berg
186. Greg Michael
187. Gregory L McElroy, 1991 Graduate of WVU College of Business & Economics, Magna Cum Laude
188. Gusheng Hu
189. Hank Leraw
190. Harold R. Geer
191. Harriet Emerson, Master of Science in Journalism, WVU, 1990
192. J. Megan Smarr
193. Jacqueline Artz
194. Jacquelyn Shay
195. Jameel Moses
196. James S. Stout
197. Jason Ranck, WVU Alumni
198. Jeffrey D. Herrick
199. Jessi Conners
200. Jodie Gardill
201. Johan C. Yssel
202. John Blosnich
203. John Durham
204. John G. Poffenbarger
205. John Hanson
206. Lee Ann Davis van Egmond, Alumnus
207. Jon Hackworth
208. Jon Michael Bosley
209. Jonathan L Miller
210. Jordan Musser, Alumni 2005 BS ME; Alumni 2007 MS ME
211. Joseph Elchik, 1991 WVU Grad. BS Business Adminstration// Marketing
212. Joseph H Farris II, BA Chemistry WVU '77; MD WVU '81
213. Joseph J. Miller
214. Joshua Lynn Austin
215. Julia D. King
216. Julie Smith
217. Karen LeMasters
218. Katherine A. Thompson
219. Kevin Patrick, Jr.
220. Kathleen Baldwin
221. Kenneth O. St. Louis
222. Kennon A. Lattal
223. Kristina Vanover
224. L. Stephen Albright
225. Lee Cheek
226. Leo Schlosnagle
227. Linda DiGiustino Sabak
228. Lindsey Cohen
229. Lisa Eaton
230. Lisa Fritsch
231. Lisa M. Salati
232. Marc Roney
233. Marci Edwards
234. Margaret Mattson
235. Marguerite Bostonia
236. Martha F Cornelius
237. Mary Pettit
238. Matt Williams
239. Megan E. Maxwell
240. Melissa Lohmann, Alum
241. Merideth Smith, Current graduate student
242. Michael B. Whiteside
243. Michael E. Elchik
244. Michael Haynes, Graduate Student
245. Michael R. Bailey
246. Michelle Warnick
247. Mikala Shremshock
248. Mike Gillispie
249. Nancy Giles
250. Nick Morris, Student
251. Nicole Osgood
252. Nina Sabak
253. Patrick Flavin
254. Paul Blankenship
255. Paul McCall
256. Paula Clendenin
257. Pervis C. Major III
258. Pete Cheesebrough, BS, Physics/Science Education 1989 / MA Educational Leadership 2006
259. Rachel Anger
260. Ray DelMundo
261. Raymond Lemasters
262. Rebecca Snyder
263. Rebecca Widoe
264. Renate E. Pore
265. Richard H. Guenther
266. Richard Hurtzer
267. Richard Ledford
268. Ricklin Brown
269. Robert Marinelli
270. Rod Holder
271. Roger Geary Creel
272. Ronald T. Wiley
273. Sy Rortanak
274. Ryan Lynch
275. Salvatore Insana, B.A. from WVU, currently working on Ph.D. at WVU
276. Sam B. Nadler, Jr.
277. Satyaprakash R. Settipalli
278. Sheila Grimm
279. Stephanie Wagner, WVU graduate student
280. Stephen Montgomery
281. Summer Shelton
282. Susan Braun
283. Susan Foster
284. Susan Raylman
285. Tammy S. Miller
286. Ted Jackson
287. Terrence M. Corbitt
288. Terri (Rounion) Davies
289. Thomas A. Ghiardi
290. Thomas Marion
291. Tim Allman
292. Tim Nichols, Director of Student Support Services, Potomac State College of WVU
293. Torrie Squires
294. Venus E. Warnick
295. Victoria Ballard McLaughlin
296. W. Andrew Kofke
297. Walker Thompson
298. Weifu Fang, Professor of Mathematics
299. Wesley Williams
300. William A. Warnick
301. William Elden Belcher
302. William Fremouw, Professor, Psychology Dept for 32 years
303. William Peterjohn, ECAS Faculty
304. William R. Hall, Graduate school alumnus in Psychology
305. Dwight Harshbarger, Former WVU Professor of Psychology; WVU alumnus; Distinguished Visitor 2007 Mountaineer Week
306. Willie Pfister
307. David B. Yelton, Retired Faculty, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, HSC 1973-2005
308. Eric Brandon McCord, 2001 graduate of Eberly School of Arts & Sciences and Honors Program
309. Tammy Sayre Baker, Alumni. BSBA 1989 MSILR 1990
310. Megan E. Statler, Earned my BSBA - graduated May '04 Proud Alumnus
311. David Robbins, Class of 2005
312. Charlotte Firestone, Web Developer, WVU HSC
313. Jennifer Henderson Chipps, WVU Alumni 1998
314. Kermit Travis Carrow
315. Jan H. Lilly, BS-'62; MA-'68
316. Sarah T. Stahl, B.A. 2005, currently a Ph.D. student
317. Mary Lindamood Lilly, Class '59
318. Lesley-Ann Miller, Former WVU faculty member
319. James M. Blake, Current Student of History at WVU.
320. Kelly L. Schuller, BA 2001, MA 2004, PhD 2006 Dept. of Psychology
321. Jason Parker
322. Alan Kuhlman
323. Emma Byrne, Secondary Education/English major (junior) in the ECAS and College of HRE
324. Marie Tyler-McGraw
325. Brian Edwards
326. Kelli Page
327. Tara Neely, 2006
328. Gera M. Jochum, MS 2005
329. Sarah Stoner
330. Lee Layne, WVU 1991
331. Christopher L. Marshall, Class of 1989, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.
332. Megan Clegg-Kraynok, Psychology Graduate Student
333. Vennessa L. Walker
334. David M Miller, Alumni
335. Martha Hicks
336. Gordon Christie
337. Robert K. Griffith, Associate Professor WVU School of Pharmacy
338. Douglas Bell, Graduating Senior
339. Valerie Bevans, Student in the College of Business and Economics at WVU
340. Wil Conner Sorrells, WVU Student
341. Mark B. Tauger, Associate Professor, Department of History
342. Leann Arthur, Journalism
343. Andrea Marano, WVU COL '06
344. Curtis Shroyer, friend of WVU
345. Suzanne Shroyer, friend of WVU
346. Cathy Walter, Recent Alum
347. Lillian J. Waugh, Ph.D., retired WVU staff (1986-2000)
348. Jean Potterfield
349. Erin Lawson, Student
350. Sara Pritchard, WVU Alumni, Faculty Spouse, Former WVU employee, WVU Taxpayer
351. Daphne Pringle, 2008 WVU Graduate-Eberly College of Arts and Sciences
352. Joseph B. Smith, Friend of WVU
353. Steve Rinehart, Faculty
354. Lee Ann Davis van Egmond, Alumnus
355. Kevin Lewis, WVU Faculty and Alumni
356. Adam Viski, 2001 graduate from WVU.
357. Craig S. McClellan, Doctoral graduate (2006) of WVU
358. Stacy Kief, Current student and Morgantown citizen for 38 years
359. Jeff Muster, M.F.A. Education Alumni
360. Rev. Dr. Helsel R. Marsh, Jr. Presbyterian Minister in Pgh. and MSW graduate of WVU
361. Kara Marie Dean-Assael BA psychology, minor in Women's Studies and Sociology '96
362. Torin Major, Alumni and forever fan
363. Lisa Hindmarsh, B. Mus. Class of 1984 - concerned alumna.
364. Walt Saiko, Alumni.
365. Katharine Bullard Becker, 1979 graduate of WVU
366. Jeffrey Bruner, WVU faculty
367. Jason Rihel 1994 WVU Foundation Scholar, 1998 graduate
368. Mark Hitt, BS Economics 1978
369. Sarah Quesen, Sr. Lecturer, Statistics
370. Thomas S Miller,MD, 1971 BA, 1974 MD
371. Wendy Lawrence, Dec 95 BSBA in Accounting
372. James M. Becker, Lifelong WVU fan, son of alumni
373. Todd Becker, Parents attended; native West Virginian, forever a friend of the University
374. Nancy Lohmann, ECAS-Social Work
375. Richard J. Tito, 1976 MBA graduate
376. Doug Kreinik
377. Thomas M. Hancock, WVU alumni and son of two alumni
378. Donna J. Morris, B.A. from WVU in 1975, and an M.A. in 1978
379. Nick Hales, Graduate Student - English
380. Todd A.Love, ECAS
381. Howard M. Hatala, WVU Class of 1967
382. Tina Taboada
383. Brian Wolfe, WVU Music Alumni
384. Krissy Steelman, Sophomore BFA Theatre Design/Tech major.
385. Steven A. Blinco, WVU Graduate Master of Education Secondary Social Studies
386. Patrick McGinley, Faculty
387. Mark V. Furfari, Alumni College of B & E 1972
388. Kevin Outterson, Professor of Law (2002-2007)
389. Susan Barnes, Friend of WVU and loyal West Virginian
390. Jeffrey Jackson, MD Alumnus, former faculty member at WVU School of Medicine
391. Meredith Isaacs, Student
392. John Falls, Alumnus, Political Science 2000
393. Mark G. Fuller, WVU Alumnus, BA '77, MD '81, WVU Faculty 1986-90
394. Karen Tully, Married to alum, provide services to WVU, citizen of this community
395. Phillip Broache, Geology student
396. Morgan Mosser, Past President of the Varsity Club
397. Robert N Johnson, MA English Student
398. David J. Mitchell, BSEE '71
399. Mark R. Exler, Former WVU student
400. Paul M. Miller, Graduate Student
401. Richard B. Thomas, Professor, Department of Biology
402. Margaret Daniel, I am an upcoming junior at WVU
403. James Denton, B&E Faculty
404. Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, MA in history, ABD in history
405. Charles Bolen, former Student, taxpayer, WVU Football Season Ticket Holder
406. Mindi Spencer, 2006 Alum, Department of Psychology
407. Mingying Lu Alumni, Graduated in 2003
408. Jack W. Sager, Doctoral student
409. Jon Harvey, Student
410. Peter J. Kalis, 1972 graduate, member of the Academy of Distinguished Alumni.
411. Dwight Pavlovic, History Major
412. Dennis Allen, Professor, ECAS--English
413. Caroline King Grubbs, Alum, BS Elementary Education, 1993
414. John D. Jennings
415. Matthew T. Apesos, WVU Eberly College of Arts and Sciences 2005.
416. Rick Franzblau, AB History Class of '72
417. Noelle Marinelli-Wolfe, WVU Alumni
418. Brent Stover, Jr.
419. Susan E. Kelley, AB, 1974, History; WVU Alumni Association
420. Scott Andrewm Alumni
421. Dean F. Landers, 2003 Graduate with BS in CpE and EE.
422. Joe Angus, Friend of WVU
423. Matthew Cooper, Graduate and in Graduate school now.
424. John Page, Undergradate Degree in Finance: 1989 MBA Degree in 1990
425. Paul Elder, BSBA '61 and MBA '62
426. Jennifer A Miller, Faculty in Geology and Geography from 2003-2007
427. Charles B. Wilson, Jr., Friend and fan
428. Arthur Weldon ECAS-Physics
429. Judith Gold Stitzel, Professor Emerita/English/Women's Studies,1965-1998
430. Chelsea Walus, Just finished my freshman year at WVU
431. John Mason Mings, WV former instructor (1964-1967) at WVU

The WVU Faculty listed here include tenured, tenure-track, instructors, lecturers, adjuncts, and extension faculty at the Morgantown and other campuses. The petition also includes alumni, students, and friends of WVU.

In some cases, formatting required us to trim comments posted with the petition purely for formatting. We hope to include all comments in another format.

Sign the petition at http://www.wvumir.org.

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