If you are concerned about the Garrison regime, if you are unable to post to "Mike's blog," this is the place...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Petition to WVU Faculty

(from WVU faculty member Matt Vester)

Dear Faculty Colleagues,

Given the current state of affairs on our campus, it seems important to me to assess the views of WVU faculty (and not just faculty senators) regarding the calls for President Garrison’s resignation.

On Monday, April 29, Kevin Leyden (Political Science) claimed that “most people believe Michael Garrison has performed his duties beyond expectations” (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 29, 2008) . Perhaps Leyden has polling data to support this claim. If evidence can be shown to prove that most faculty believe Garrison’s resignation to be unnecessary, I for one will pledge not to speak another word about it. The last thing that I hope to do is to make an already terrible situation worse, against the wishes of most members of the faculty community.

But if most WVU faculty believe that the restoration of university’s integrity requires Garrison’s resignation (at a minimum), then the Faculty Senate, the BOG, and the President’s Office must be made aware of this fact. For that I reason I am willing to compile a list of faculty members who support the proposed Faculty Senate resolution calling upon President Garrison to resign, and those who do not.

If you email me, I will tabulate the results and have them verified by someone whose views on this matter are contrary to my own. For those who support the resignation resolution, I would be happy to add your name to what would in effect become a petition that could be distributed to members of the Faculty Senate prior to Monday’s meeting. I realize that this is a methodologically imperfect procedure, but at least it should provide a somewhat more accurate sense of faculty views concerning this issue that so closely affects our collective reputation.

Please send me an e-mail (matt.vester@mail.wvu.edu) by Saturday, May 3, at 6:00 PM, with true or false answers to the following statements:

1. I support Garrison's resignation (T/F).
2. I am willing for my name to be made public (T/F).

Thanks for your help with this modest research project. Yours, Matt Vester (History Department, WVU)

1 comment:

Total Responsibility said...

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette somewhat edited Leyden's comment. The exact version: "Putting aside the committee decision about Ms, Bresch’s degree – just for a moment - most faculty and staff would agree — if they were objective – that President Garrison has done far better than expected."