If you are concerned about the Garrison regime, if you are unable to post to "Mike's blog," this is the place...
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
responses from concerned wvu alumni and friends
"My Daughter is about to get her EED from WVU. I know the hours and nights she has spent getting this far and to have a a scandal like this is heart breaking . I am suprised at the lack of concern Mr. Garrison shows concerning the school. It seems his number one concern is him self. I support his resignation at once."
"I am a proud Doctoral graduate (2006) of WVU. I am greatly dismayed by the lack of vision; integrity and basic leadership that I have watched grow across all facets of the University. Mike Garrison is simply a symptom of what is very wrong at West Virginia University."
"I am currently enrolled in the EMBA program and have found this whole situation very unsettling. This whole process has been pure cronyism."
"I attended both undergraduate and graduate school at WVU (BA, 1968; MS. 1970) where I was active in student gov't. Still attend workshops every year at the HSC. My husband graduated from the College of Law in 1970. He has been an active fund raiser over the years for the Law School. One of our sons is a graduate of the Law School, as well. We all credit WVU with giving us the opportunities that have enhanced our lives in countless ways. It is unfortunate that the institution which has been the source of so much pride could now be regarded with shame and embarrassment. Thank you, Professors, for standing up to the administration. Let us know what we can do to help."
"I earned a B.A. from WVU in 1975, and an M.A. in 1978. I taught in the Department of Foreign Languages during graduate school and briefly after receiving my M.A. I have always been a loyal WVU supporter, and am saddened and appalled by this scandal."
"My son, who attends WVU, said to me yesterday, Dad, you have always stressed that cheating is bad, but what is it called when people in power cheat? Then he said, "Will my degree from WVU really mean anything now?" As a WVU graduate, I ask, where are the ethics and who is responsible? Politics and Education as Politics and Religion do not mix!"
"I moved here from Louisiana in 1998. I am married to a law school alum. I have grown to love the school, mostly as a sports fan. I have worked in WV State Gov't and think it's worse than La. politics. I would not let my child attend the school without big change. The person most reponsible for this dynamic is Joe Manchin."
"I'm a sophomore computer science and engineering major. I'm tired of the embarrassment this has caused for the university. I'm also tired of Garrison's stubborness when everyone else has been resigning and with all the eyes on him."
"I'm a 23 year-old West Virginia native and now proud Mountaineer. I'm currently a sophomore with intentions of going to Medical School here at WVU. I joined the military to pay for school. Some people get scholarships and student loans. Governor's daughters don't have to pay or even complete the courses...must be nice. I'd like to have his office number so I can call him up and have his staff fabricate a degree for me. Then again...I wouldn't have the education I need. What's that say about Ms. Bresch?"
"I am a 1979 graduate of WVU and live in Charleston. My father's career was in Higher Education serving as President of Parkersburg Community College, President of Potomac State College, Provost at Rochester Institute of Technology and President of Bethany College. I do not believe WVU move forward after the dishonesty that has occured under Mike Garrison's administration. He must resign. I fully support your efforts."
"I am a student at WVU, and this sort of action cannot be tolerated. President Garrison, if you care at all about this University, then it is your duty to recognize your mistake, and to step down."
"Faculty Member in Physics since 1971. I have fond memories of the period at WVU before Hardesty when the Presidency was not politicized, when the atmosphere seemed more collegial, and when I wasn't afraid of the upper administration."
"a recent wvu emba graduate who was a proponent of the program feels that my degree has been significantly devalued and that if practically any other student would have to reenroll and complete the degree requirements - universities are for academics not politics"
"i am a WVU alumni, living in new york, and i would like for my degree to mean something (since *I* earned it, after all)."
"I received a PhD in history from WVU in 1977. I am removing the credential from my resume and will probably never again tell anyone I went to WVU. I also have degrees from UCLA, University of Oklahoma and University of North Carolina."
"1976 MBA graduate (yes, I did fulfill all the requirements!). Football season ticket holder for 34 years. Long time supporter of the WVU Foundation, but will suspend contributions until Garrison is gone. Former Board of Advisors member for the College of B&E - resigned to support Dean Sears who I believe has been made a scapegoat by Garrison and Walker."
"A dear friend was a graduate of the first medical class to graduate at WVU many years ago. Also, I had a niece who graduated from WVU several years ago. She went on to become a leader in sports medicine. My late wife and I attended her graduation and were very impressed by WVU's campus and reputation. I now feel that this scandal and Mr. Garrison's bismirching of the reputation of our premier West Virginia University is reprehensible and he should step down as its titular head. His refusal to do so will bring only further unwelcome light to WVU."
"I am a second generation Mountaineer. I received my B.A. from WVU and I'm currently working on my Ph.D. at WVU as well. I am saddened by the events surrounding Garrison and his appointment as president!"
"I am WVU alumni. I graduated in December, 2007, from davis college of agriculture, forestry and consumer sciences. Until this thing happend I was very proud to show my diploma to anyone, but after this, if I say that I am graduated from WVU, people are straightaway asking me that "Is WVU selling diplomas for money and power??". To maintain the integrity of the institution Mr. Mike Garrison should resign immediately. I appreciate whom ever created this website and I am ready to vote against mike any time any place. Thanks."
"MA in history as well as ABD in history. My WVU degree gave me the skills I would use to become a business and technology journalist. Now, I find that my beloved school has at its head someone who can say that he takes responsibility for this shameful chapter in WVU history, but won't follow through with the actions that come with responsibility. Garrison must go."
"I am the parent of an incoming freshman for the 2008 school term. I am concerned about the impact of this scandal on his academic future and specifically on the integrity of the degree which he will eventually earn."
"I am a graduate of WVU in 1971 and was born and raised in Parkersburg. I am very disturbed about all the negative press WVU is receiving around the country. I live in Omaha, NE and it is embarrassing to see articles in our papers which hurt WVU. It is time for all West Virginians to stand up and call for the resignation of the WVU president, West Virginia governor, and the board of governors. Clean house and replace these individuals who continue to hurt the state of WVA."
WVUMIR Petition: 431 names in support of Garrison's Resignation - and more every day
The award of an unearned eMBA degree to Heather Bresch has called the academic integrity of West Virginia University into serious question and has led to unprecedented public outrage and embarrassment to WVU.
President Mike Garrison assigned his senior advisors to participate in the deliberations that led to this award. The extent of his subsequent personal involvement in or knowledge of this award is the subject of widespread speculation fueled by his perceived lack of candor and the unusual manner in which these deliberations were carried out.
This speculation has shaken confidence in his leadership. Calls for his resignation are emanating from faculty, students, and alumni in all parts of the country. WVU donors have rescinded major contributions pending his removal from office. Critical and derisive press coverage has appeared around the globe. We have never seen the WVU community so divided, so afraid, and so deeply troubled.
As President of WVU, Mike Garrison bears a unique responsibility to act in the best interests of the University. Regardless of the extent of his direct involvement, the highly publicized award of an unearned eMBA under his watch has damaged his effectiveness and his credibility as President. We doubt that WVU will be able to restore its reputation and its academic integrity under his leadership.
PETITION: We, the undersigned, respectfully request the WVU Board of Governors to require Mike Garrison’s resignation, for the good of West Virginia University and for the benefit of its students, parents, faculty, staff, friends, and alumni throughout the world.
The names below are as of 1pm 5/13/08. We will continue to regularly update the petition with names from the online petition.
1. Katherine Aaslestad ECAS - History
2. Tim Adams ECAS - English
3. Mohamad Alkadry ECAS - Public Admin
4. Sandy Baldwin ECAS - English
5. Brian Ballentine ECAS - English
6. Tom Basden Extension
7. Gwen Bergner ECAS - English
8. Robert Blobaum ECAS - History
9. Robert Bossarte HSC - Community Medicine
10. Drew Bradlyn HSC - Health Research Center
11. Laura Brady ECAS - English
12. Mark Brazaitis ECAS - English
13. Paul Brown HSC - Physiology
14. Katherine Bruner ECAS - Geology
15. Jonathan Burton ECAS - English
16. David Cerbone ECAS - Philosophy
17. Nyles Charon HSC - Microbiology, Immunology, Cell Biology
18. Philip Chase ECAS - Psychology
19. Ian Christie ECAS - Math
20. Chris Ciesielski ECAS - Math
21. Robert Cochrane AF&CS - Animal Science
22. Dale Colyer AF&CS - Agriculture and Resource Economics
23. Patrick Conner ECAS - English
24. Robert Creese CEMR - Industrial and Manage. Systems Engineering
25. Scott Crichlow ECAS - Political Science
26. John Crotty CCA - Music
27. Brian Cushing B&E / ECAS - Economics
28. Jay Dolmage ECAS - English
29. Kurt Donaldson GIS Tech Center
30. Richard Easton ECAS - English
31. Barry Edelstein ECAS - Psychology
32. Boyd Edwards ECAS - Physics
33. Thomas Elliott HSC - Microbiology, Immunology, Cell Biology
34. John Ernest ECAS - English
35. Lara Farina ECAS - English
36. Jeff Fedan HSC - Physiology
37. Marty Ferer ECAS - Physics
38. Mary Ferer CCA - Music
39. Jorge Flores ECAS - Biology
40. Elizabeth Fones-Wolf ECAS - History
41. Ken Fones-Wolf ECAS - History
42. Marilyn Francus ECAS - English
43. Peter Gannett Pharmacy
44. Harry Gingold ECAS - Math
45. John Goldwasser ECAS - Math
46. Steven Graber HSC - Biochemistry
47. James Harms ECAS - English
48. James Harner ECAS - Statistics
49. Charles Harris ECAS - Biochemistry
50. Kirk Hazen ECAS - English
51. Brad Hillgartner HSC - Biochemistry
52. Jeffery Hogg HSC - Radiology
53. Barbara Howe ECAS - History/Women's Studies
54. Ming-jeng Hwang B&E / ECAS - Economics
55. Arthur Jacknowitz Pharmacy - Clinical Pharmacy
56. Elizabeth Juckett ECAS - English
57. Katherine Karraker ECAS - Psychology
58. David Keefer WVUP - Business
59. George Kelley HSC - Community Medicine
60. Virginia Kleist B&E
61. Robert Klingelhoefer CCA - Theatre & Dance
62. John Lamb ECAS - English
63. Kevin Larkin ECAS - Psychology
64. David Lewellen CEMR - Mech & Aero Engineering
65. Andy Lattal ECAS - Psychology
66. Roger Lohmann ECAS - Social Work
67. Jay Malarcher CCA - Theatre & Dance
68. David Martinelli CEMR - Civil & Environmental Engineering
69. Michael Mays ECAS - Math
70. Steve McCluskey ECAS - History
71. Jerry McGonigle CCA - Theatre
72. James McGraw ECAS - Biology (Eberly professor)
73. Nancy McIntyre B&E - Marketing
74. Michal McMahon ECAS - History
75. Daniel McNeil HSC/ECAS - Psychology
76. Betsy Miller HSC - Ob/Gyn
77. Michael Miller HSC - Biochemistry
78. Tracy Morris ECAS - Psychology
79. Hawley Montgomery-Downs ECAS - Psychology
80. Victor Mucino CEMR - Mech & Aero Engineering
81. Byron Nelson ECAS - English
82. Carolyn Nelson ECAS - English
83. Gordon Nunn CCA - Music
84. Erica Owens Yeager ECAS - Sociology
85. Robert Pack HSC - Community Medicine
86. Kent Parker HSC/ECAS - Psychology
87. Julie Patrick ECAS - Psychology
88. Graham Peace B&E - Business Administration
89. Susan Pearce ECAS - Sociology
90. Michael Perone ECAS - Psychology
91. Janis-Rozena Peri CCA - Music
92. William Pettit HSC - Innate Health
93. Gerald Pops ECAS - Public Administration
94. R. Scott Pore HSC - Microbiology, Immunology, Cell Biology
95. Aina Puce HSC
96. Ben Ramsden HSC - Neurobiology and Anatomy
97. William Reece B&E / ECAS - Economics
98. Bill Reger-Nash HSC - Community Medicine
99. Heimo Riedel HSC-Biochemistry
100. Sherman Riemenschneider ECAS - Math
101. Kathleen Ryan ECAS - English
102. Adrienne Salm HSC - Neurobiology and Anatomy
103. Mary Ann Samyn ECAS - English
104. Joseph Scotti ECAS - Psychology
105. Judith Sedgeman HSC - Innate Health
106. Eva Segert -Tauger Law
107. Linda Shuster HR&E - Speech Pathology
108. William Skidmore CCA - Music
109. Ronald Smart ECAS - Chemistry
110. Richard Smosna ECAS - Geology
111. Patricia Soltzfus HSC - Radiology
112. JoNell Strough ECAS - Psychology
113. Timothy Sweet ECAS - English
114. Aaron Timperman ECAS - Chemistry
115. Sergei Urazhdin ECAS - Physics
116. Steve Urbanski Journalism
117. Daniel Van Vliet ECAS - Math
118. Matthew Vester ECAS - History
119. Scott Weed HSC - Cancer Center
120. Lisa Weihman ECAS - English
121. Jeffrey Wells ECAS - Biology
122. Christopher Wilkinson CCA - Music
123. Matthew Wilson AF&CS - Animal & Nutritional Science
124. William Wonderlin HSC - Biochemistry
125. Steven Zdatny ECAS - History
126. Jeremy Zelkowski ECAS - Math
127. Allison Tetreault
128. Amanda Gale Lawson
129. Amy Swann
130. Andrea Ramsey
131. Andrew Sabak
132. Anita Petri
133. Ann Burgess,aster's of Communication, 2001; alumni association member
134. Ann Daniel, Alumni
135. Annastella Vester, Clinical Assistant Professor, Foreign Languages
136. Anthony P Oliverio, BS Business WVU MSIR WVU 1986
137. Ben Weinstein, WVU graduate student in Psychology
138. Bill King
139. Brandon Geer, WVU Alum 2007
140. Brian Areford, College of Law - J.D. 2007 College of Arts & Sciences - B.A. (Poli. Sci.) 2004
141. Brian Perkins, WVU alumus 2001
142. Bruce King, EMBA Grad 2004
143. Chad Wilcox
144. Charles Larue
145. Charles Raad, D.D.S., WVU Class of '70, retired
146. Charles W. Hill
147. Charlie Fulton
148. Charlotte Riley
149. Chelsea Ale
150. Chris Drescher
151. Christina A. Alligood
152. Christopher Confalone, Current Political Science Sophomore at WVU from Clifton,NJ.
153. Christopher R. Buyarski
154. Cindy H. Currey
155. Constance B. Plevelich
156. Corey Strimer
157. Craig L. Dean
158. Cynthia L. Castilow
159. Daniel Harris
160. Daniel Nolan
161. Danielle M. Duvall
162. David Atkins
163. David Dobson
164. David Morrison
165. David P. Jarmolowicz, Psychology Doctoral Student
166. David Warnick
167. Deatra L. Markham
168. Gary G. Markham
169. Dee Cockrille
170. DeLena Powell Smith
171. Dimitris Korakakis
172. Douglas D. Glover
173. Elizabeth A. DiGiustino
174. Ellan Toothman, Independent Consultant
175. Eric Goedereis
176. Eugenie Taylor
177. F. L. Davis
178. Frances Johnson
179. Frank R. Culver
180. Fred Golden
181. Fred Wilson
182. Gail K. Lantz
183. Gail Michelson, '93 College of Law
184. George C. Armstrong
185. Glenn Berg
186. Greg Michael
187. Gregory L McElroy, 1991 Graduate of WVU College of Business & Economics, Magna Cum Laude
188. Gusheng Hu
189. Hank Leraw
190. Harold R. Geer
191. Harriet Emerson, Master of Science in Journalism, WVU, 1990
192. J. Megan Smarr
193. Jacqueline Artz
194. Jacquelyn Shay
195. Jameel Moses
196. James S. Stout
197. Jason Ranck, WVU Alumni
198. Jeffrey D. Herrick
199. Jessi Conners
200. Jodie Gardill
201. Johan C. Yssel
202. John Blosnich
203. John Durham
204. John G. Poffenbarger
205. John Hanson
206. Lee Ann Davis van Egmond, Alumnus
207. Jon Hackworth
208. Jon Michael Bosley
209. Jonathan L Miller
210. Jordan Musser, Alumni 2005 BS ME; Alumni 2007 MS ME
211. Joseph Elchik, 1991 WVU Grad. BS Business Adminstration// Marketing
212. Joseph H Farris II, BA Chemistry WVU '77; MD WVU '81
213. Joseph J. Miller
214. Joshua Lynn Austin
215. Julia D. King
216. Julie Smith
217. Karen LeMasters
218. Katherine A. Thompson
219. Kevin Patrick, Jr.
220. Kathleen Baldwin
221. Kenneth O. St. Louis
222. Kennon A. Lattal
223. Kristina Vanover
224. L. Stephen Albright
225. Lee Cheek
226. Leo Schlosnagle
227. Linda DiGiustino Sabak
228. Lindsey Cohen
229. Lisa Eaton
230. Lisa Fritsch
231. Lisa M. Salati
232. Marc Roney
233. Marci Edwards
234. Margaret Mattson
235. Marguerite Bostonia
236. Martha F Cornelius
237. Mary Pettit
238. Matt Williams
239. Megan E. Maxwell
240. Melissa Lohmann, Alum
241. Merideth Smith, Current graduate student
242. Michael B. Whiteside
243. Michael E. Elchik
244. Michael Haynes, Graduate Student
245. Michael R. Bailey
246. Michelle Warnick
247. Mikala Shremshock
248. Mike Gillispie
249. Nancy Giles
250. Nick Morris, Student
251. Nicole Osgood
252. Nina Sabak
253. Patrick Flavin
254. Paul Blankenship
255. Paul McCall
256. Paula Clendenin
257. Pervis C. Major III
258. Pete Cheesebrough, BS, Physics/Science Education 1989 / MA Educational Leadership 2006
259. Rachel Anger
260. Ray DelMundo
261. Raymond Lemasters
262. Rebecca Snyder
263. Rebecca Widoe
264. Renate E. Pore
265. Richard H. Guenther
266. Richard Hurtzer
267. Richard Ledford
268. Ricklin Brown
269. Robert Marinelli
270. Rod Holder
271. Roger Geary Creel
272. Ronald T. Wiley
273. Sy Rortanak
274. Ryan Lynch
275. Salvatore Insana, B.A. from WVU, currently working on Ph.D. at WVU
276. Sam B. Nadler, Jr.
277. Satyaprakash R. Settipalli
278. Sheila Grimm
279. Stephanie Wagner, WVU graduate student
280. Stephen Montgomery
281. Summer Shelton
282. Susan Braun
283. Susan Foster
284. Susan Raylman
285. Tammy S. Miller
286. Ted Jackson
287. Terrence M. Corbitt
288. Terri (Rounion) Davies
289. Thomas A. Ghiardi
290. Thomas Marion
291. Tim Allman
292. Tim Nichols, Director of Student Support Services, Potomac State College of WVU
293. Torrie Squires
294. Venus E. Warnick
295. Victoria Ballard McLaughlin
296. W. Andrew Kofke
297. Walker Thompson
298. Weifu Fang, Professor of Mathematics
299. Wesley Williams
300. William A. Warnick
301. William Elden Belcher
302. William Fremouw, Professor, Psychology Dept for 32 years
303. William Peterjohn, ECAS Faculty
304. William R. Hall, Graduate school alumnus in Psychology
305. Dwight Harshbarger, Former WVU Professor of Psychology; WVU alumnus; Distinguished Visitor 2007 Mountaineer Week
306. Willie Pfister
307. David B. Yelton, Retired Faculty, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, HSC 1973-2005
308. Eric Brandon McCord, 2001 graduate of Eberly School of Arts & Sciences and Honors Program
309. Tammy Sayre Baker, Alumni. BSBA 1989 MSILR 1990
310. Megan E. Statler, Earned my BSBA - graduated May '04 Proud Alumnus
311. David Robbins, Class of 2005
312. Charlotte Firestone, Web Developer, WVU HSC
313. Jennifer Henderson Chipps, WVU Alumni 1998
314. Kermit Travis Carrow
315. Jan H. Lilly, BS-'62; MA-'68
316. Sarah T. Stahl, B.A. 2005, currently a Ph.D. student
317. Mary Lindamood Lilly, Class '59
318. Lesley-Ann Miller, Former WVU faculty member
319. James M. Blake, Current Student of History at WVU.
320. Kelly L. Schuller, BA 2001, MA 2004, PhD 2006 Dept. of Psychology
321. Jason Parker
322. Alan Kuhlman
323. Emma Byrne, Secondary Education/English major (junior) in the ECAS and College of HRE
324. Marie Tyler-McGraw
325. Brian Edwards
326. Kelli Page
327. Tara Neely, 2006
328. Gera M. Jochum, MS 2005
329. Sarah Stoner
330. Lee Layne, WVU 1991
331. Christopher L. Marshall, Class of 1989, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.
332. Megan Clegg-Kraynok, Psychology Graduate Student
333. Vennessa L. Walker
334. David M Miller, Alumni
335. Martha Hicks
336. Gordon Christie
337. Robert K. Griffith, Associate Professor WVU School of Pharmacy
338. Douglas Bell, Graduating Senior
339. Valerie Bevans, Student in the College of Business and Economics at WVU
340. Wil Conner Sorrells, WVU Student
341. Mark B. Tauger, Associate Professor, Department of History
342. Leann Arthur, Journalism
343. Andrea Marano, WVU COL '06
344. Curtis Shroyer, friend of WVU
345. Suzanne Shroyer, friend of WVU
346. Cathy Walter, Recent Alum
347. Lillian J. Waugh, Ph.D., retired WVU staff (1986-2000)
348. Jean Potterfield
349. Erin Lawson, Student
350. Sara Pritchard, WVU Alumni, Faculty Spouse, Former WVU employee, WVU Taxpayer
351. Daphne Pringle, 2008 WVU Graduate-Eberly College of Arts and Sciences
352. Joseph B. Smith, Friend of WVU
353. Steve Rinehart, Faculty
354. Lee Ann Davis van Egmond, Alumnus
355. Kevin Lewis, WVU Faculty and Alumni
356. Adam Viski, 2001 graduate from WVU.
357. Craig S. McClellan, Doctoral graduate (2006) of WVU
358. Stacy Kief, Current student and Morgantown citizen for 38 years
359. Jeff Muster, M.F.A. Education Alumni
360. Rev. Dr. Helsel R. Marsh, Jr. Presbyterian Minister in Pgh. and MSW graduate of WVU
361. Kara Marie Dean-Assael BA psychology, minor in Women's Studies and Sociology '96
362. Torin Major, Alumni and forever fan
363. Lisa Hindmarsh, B. Mus. Class of 1984 - concerned alumna.
364. Walt Saiko, Alumni.
365. Katharine Bullard Becker, 1979 graduate of WVU
366. Jeffrey Bruner, WVU faculty
367. Jason Rihel 1994 WVU Foundation Scholar, 1998 graduate
368. Mark Hitt, BS Economics 1978
369. Sarah Quesen, Sr. Lecturer, Statistics
370. Thomas S Miller,MD, 1971 BA, 1974 MD
371. Wendy Lawrence, Dec 95 BSBA in Accounting
372. James M. Becker, Lifelong WVU fan, son of alumni
373. Todd Becker, Parents attended; native West Virginian, forever a friend of the University
374. Nancy Lohmann, ECAS-Social Work
375. Richard J. Tito, 1976 MBA graduate
376. Doug Kreinik
377. Thomas M. Hancock, WVU alumni and son of two alumni
378. Donna J. Morris, B.A. from WVU in 1975, and an M.A. in 1978
379. Nick Hales, Graduate Student - English
380. Todd A.Love, ECAS
381. Howard M. Hatala, WVU Class of 1967
382. Tina Taboada
383. Brian Wolfe, WVU Music Alumni
384. Krissy Steelman, Sophomore BFA Theatre Design/Tech major.
385. Steven A. Blinco, WVU Graduate Master of Education Secondary Social Studies
386. Patrick McGinley, Faculty
387. Mark V. Furfari, Alumni College of B & E 1972
388. Kevin Outterson, Professor of Law (2002-2007)
389. Susan Barnes, Friend of WVU and loyal West Virginian
390. Jeffrey Jackson, MD Alumnus, former faculty member at WVU School of Medicine
391. Meredith Isaacs, Student
392. John Falls, Alumnus, Political Science 2000
393. Mark G. Fuller, WVU Alumnus, BA '77, MD '81, WVU Faculty 1986-90
394. Karen Tully, Married to alum, provide services to WVU, citizen of this community
395. Phillip Broache, Geology student
396. Morgan Mosser, Past President of the Varsity Club
397. Robert N Johnson, MA English Student
398. David J. Mitchell, BSEE '71
399. Mark R. Exler, Former WVU student
400. Paul M. Miller, Graduate Student
401. Richard B. Thomas, Professor, Department of Biology
402. Margaret Daniel, I am an upcoming junior at WVU
403. James Denton, B&E Faculty
404. Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, MA in history, ABD in history
405. Charles Bolen, former Student, taxpayer, WVU Football Season Ticket Holder
406. Mindi Spencer, 2006 Alum, Department of Psychology
407. Mingying Lu Alumni, Graduated in 2003
408. Jack W. Sager, Doctoral student
409. Jon Harvey, Student
410. Peter J. Kalis, 1972 graduate, member of the Academy of Distinguished Alumni.
411. Dwight Pavlovic, History Major
412. Dennis Allen, Professor, ECAS--English
413. Caroline King Grubbs, Alum, BS Elementary Education, 1993
414. John D. Jennings
415. Matthew T. Apesos, WVU Eberly College of Arts and Sciences 2005.
416. Rick Franzblau, AB History Class of '72
417. Noelle Marinelli-Wolfe, WVU Alumni
418. Brent Stover, Jr.
419. Susan E. Kelley, AB, 1974, History; WVU Alumni Association
420. Scott Andrewm Alumni
421. Dean F. Landers, 2003 Graduate with BS in CpE and EE.
422. Joe Angus, Friend of WVU
423. Matthew Cooper, Graduate and in Graduate school now.
424. John Page, Undergradate Degree in Finance: 1989 MBA Degree in 1990
425. Paul Elder, BSBA '61 and MBA '62
426. Jennifer A Miller, Faculty in Geology and Geography from 2003-2007
427. Charles B. Wilson, Jr., Friend and fan
428. Arthur Weldon ECAS-Physics
429. Judith Gold Stitzel, Professor Emerita/English/Women's Studies,1965-1998
430. Chelsea Walus, Just finished my freshman year at WVU
431. John Mason Mings, WV former instructor (1964-1967) at WVU
The WVU Faculty listed here include tenured, tenure-track, instructors, lecturers, adjuncts, and extension faculty at the Morgantown and other campuses. The petition also includes alumni, students, and friends of WVU.
In some cases, formatting required us to trim comments posted with the petition purely for formatting. We hope to include all comments in another format.
Sign the petition at http://www.wvumir.org.
Monday, May 12, 2008
from a donor
My reply to the organizers is shown below.
From: David J. Mitchell (MSN) [mailto:david_mitchell71@msn.com]
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2008 1:04 PM
To: 'Holly Metz'
Cc: 'hollym3051@aol.com'
Subject: RE: State of the University Address
I have been a frequent supporter of these events in the past but my conscious will not allow me to attend this event as long as Mike Garrison remains President of WVU. His comments and actions over the past several months have clearly shown to me he places his personal interests above those of the university. It will take the university and the state over 10 years to recover from the damage he has done.
I wish you the best with this event. But, as long as Mike Garrison remains president, I can not support any function that he attends.
All the best,
David Mitchell
BSEE '71
Member and former chair, Industry Advisory Committee, Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Member, Academy of Distinguished Alumni, Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
From: Holly Metz [mailto:holly_metz@keystaffingsolutions.com]
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2008 9:59 AM
To: Holly Metz
Cc: hollym3051@aol.com
Subject: State of the University Address
The National Capital Area Chapter of the WVU Alumni Association
State of the University Address in Washington, DC
Monday, June 16, 2008
11:00 am Reception
12:00 pm Lunch
The Newseum
555 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, DC
For three decades, the National Capital Area Chapter and the West Virginia University Alumni Association have proudly sponsored the State of the University Address in Washington, DC. This annual luncheon celebrates West Virginia University's achievements in academics, research, and athletics.
If you are interested in attending, please contact Mike Fulton at (703) 741-7500, ext. 5575 or mfulton@golinharris.com. Sponsorship Tables: $2,000 for a table of 10 or $1000 for a table of 5; Individuals: $75/attendee. Free admission to the Newseum for all guests. Signage, media and event recognition for table sponsors and event sponsors.
Corporate Sponsors to Date:
Bailey & Glasser
Chesapeake Energy
Foundation Coal
Join your NCAC chapter today: www.wvualumni.org
Friday, May 9, 2008
Letter from WVU Profesor to BOG Head Steve Goodwin
Professor Non- emeritus
Dear Mr. Goodwin,
As a former faculty member of West Virginia University (for 28 years), I am embarrased and dismayed by the actions of top officials at WVU in regards to the Heather Bresch scandal. To give the guilty persons a huge salary to return to their faculty positions as a "reward" for their actions is unconscionable. The salary is a policy of West Virginia, BUT: I believe that the offending officials satisfy the criteria for dismissal from the university set forth in Policy Document #2 of the Board of Governors, parts 12.1.1, 12.1.2 and 12.1.5, which say,
12.1.1 Demonstrated incompetence or dishonesty in the performance of professional duties, including but not limited to academic misconduct;
12.1.2 Conduct which directly or substantially impairs the individual's fulfillment of institutional responsibilities, in cluding but not limited to ... discriminatory practices;
12.1.5 Substantial and manifest neglect of duty.
The Board of Governors is required by its own policy document to bring the offending officials up on charges for dismissal.
Sincerely yours,
Sam B. Nadler, Jr.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Movement Forms to Restore Integrity, Responsibility to WVU
(304) 293-3422 ex. 1433
Michael Perone
304-293-2001 ex. 31604
MAY 7, 2008—Professors, staff, alumni, students, and friends of West Virginia University inaugurated a movement today to restore integrity and responsibility to the university in the wake of WVU President Michael Garrison’s refusal to resign after an independent panel concluded the governor’s daughter received a graduate degree she did not earn and the WVU Faculty Senate voted overwhelmingly to demand Garrison’s ouster.
The goals of Mountaineers for Integrity and Responsibility (MIR) go beyond ensuring Garrison’s resignation. The movement aims to convince West Virginia lawmakers and other key figures in government that restoring academic integrity to WVU will require systemic changes, including new procedures for picking the university’s president and provost.
In the short term, however, MIR intends to keep the pressure on Garrison to resign because of the enormous, negative long-term impact of flawed and compromised leadership on everything from graduate student recruitment to fundraising to awarding of grants to hiring new, dynamic faculty.
Dr. Boyd Edwards, the Bolton Professor of Physics at WVU, was elected MIR’s chair; Michael Perone, the chair of the Department of Psychology, was elected vice-chair.
“President Garrison has defied calls for his resignation from faculty, staff, students, alumni, and donors,” Edwards said. “WVU’s recovery relies on his removal from office. We call on Mountaineers everywhere to assist. The honor and integrity of WVU is at stake.”
Members of MIR are helping to organize a meeting of the entire WVU faculty May 14 from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Clay Theatre in the Creative Arts Center.
Student members of MIR are also planning to express their opinion in a respectful way in conjunction with WVU’s commencement ceremonies beginning May 17.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
WVU BOG Emails
Petition to from WVU Faculty as of 5/7/08
1. Katherine Aaslestad ECAS - History
2. Tim Adams ECAS - English
3. Mohamad Alkadry ECAS - Public Admin
4. Sandy Baldwin ECAS - English
5. Brian Ballentine ECAS - English
6. Tom Basden Extension
7. Gwen Bergner ECAS - English
8. Robert Blobaum ECAS - History
9. Robert Bossarte HSC - Community Medicine
10. Drew Bradlyn HSC - Health Research Center
11. Laura Brady ECAS - English
12. Mark Brazaitis ECAS - English
13. Paul Brown HSC - Physiology
14. Katherine Bruner ECAS - Geology
15. Jonathan Burton ECAS - English
16. David Cerbone ECAS - Philosophy
17. Nyles Charon HSC - Microbiology, Immunology, Cell Biology
18. Philip Chase ECAS - Psychology
19. Ian Christie ECAS - Math
20. Chris Ciesielski ECAS - Math
21. Robert Cochrane AF&CS - Animal Science
22. Dale Colyer AF&CS - Agriculture and Resource Economics
23. Patrick Conner ECAS - English
24. Robert Creese CEMR - Industrial and Manage. Systems Engineering
25. Scott Crichlow ECAS - Political Science
26. John Crotty CCA - Music
27. Brian Cushing B&E / ECAS - Economics
28. Jay Dolmage ECAS - English
29. Kurt Donaldson GIS Tech Center
30. Richard Easton ECAS - English
31. Barry Edelstein ECAS - Psychology
32. Boyd Edwards ECAS - Physics
33. Thomas Elliott HSC - Microbiology, Immunology, Cell Biology
34. John Ernest ECAS - English
35. Lara Farina ECAS - English
36. Jeff Fedan HSC - Physiology
37. Marty Ferer ECAS - Physics
38. Mary Ferer CCA - Music
39. Jorge Flores ECAS - Biology
40. Elizabeth Fones-Wolf ECAS - History
41. Ken Fones-Wolf ECAS - History
42. Marilyn Francus ECAS - English
43. Peter Gannett Pharmacy
44. Harry Gingold ECAS - Math
45. John Goldwasser ECAS - Math
46. Steven Graber HSC - Biochemistry
47. James Harms ECAS - English
48. James Harner ECAS - Statistics
49. Charles Harris ECAS - Biochemistry
50. Kirk Hazen ECAS - English
51. Brad Hillgartner HSC - Biochemistry
52. Jeffery Hogg HSC - Radiology
53. Barbara Howe ECAS - History/Women's Studies
54. Ming-jeng Hwang B&E / ECAS - Economics
55. Arthur Jacknowitz Pharmacy - Clinical Pharmacy
56. Elizabeth Juckett ECAS - English
57. Katherine Karraker ECAS - Psychology
58. David Keefer WVUP - Business
59. George Kelley HSC - Community Medicine
60. Virginia Kleist B&E
61. Robert Klingelhoefer CCA - Theatre & Dance
62. John Lamb ECAS - English
63. Kevin Larkin ECAS - Psychology
64. David Lewellen CEMR - Mech & Aero Engineering
65. Andy Lattal ECAS - Psychology
66. Roger Lohmann ECAS - Social Work
67. Jay Malarcher CCA - Theatre & Dance
68. David Martinelli CEMR - Civil & Environmental Engineering
69. Michael Mays ECAS - Math
70. Steve McCluskey ECAS - History
71. Jerry McGonigle CCA - Theatre
72. James McGraw ECAS - Biology (Eberly professor)
73. Nancy McIntyre B&E - Marketing
74. Michal McMahon ECAS - History
75. Daniel McNeil HSC/ECAS - Psychology
76. Betsy Miller HSC - Ob/Gyn
77. Michael Miller HSC - Biochemistry
78. Tracy Morris ECAS - Psychology
79. Hawley Montgomery-Downs ECAS - Psychology
80. Victor Mucino CEMR - Mech & Aero Engineering
81. Byron Nelson ECAS - English
82. Carolyn Nelson ECAS - English
83. Gordon Nunn CCA - Music
84. Erica Owens Yeager ECAS - Sociology
85. Robert Pack HSC - Community Medicine
86. Kent Parker HSC/ECAS - Psychology
87. Julie Patrick ECAS - Psychology
88. Graham Peace B&E - Business Administration
89. Susan Pearce ECAS - Sociology
90. Michael Perone ECAS - Psychology
91. Janis-Rozena Peri CCA - Music
92. William Pettit HSC - Innate Health
93. Gerald Pops ECAS - Public Administration
94. R. Scott Pore HSC - Microbiology, Immunology, Cell Biology
95. Aina Puce HSC
96. Ben Ramsden HSC - Neurobiology and Anatomy
97. William Reece B&E / ECAS - Economics
98. Bill Reger-Nash HSC - Community Medicine
99. Heimo Riedel HSC-Biochemistry
100. Sherman Riemenschneider ECAS - Math
101. Kathleen Ryan ECAS - English
102. Adrienne Salm HSC - Neurobiology and Anatomy
103. Mary Ann Samyn ECAS - English
104. Joseph Scotti ECAS - Psychology
105. Judith Sedgeman HSC - Innate Health
106. Eva Segert-Tauger Law
107. Linda Shuster HR&E - Speech Pathology
108. William Skidmore CCA - Music
109. Ronald Smart ECAS - Chemistry
110. Richard Smosna ECAS - Geology
111. Patricia Soltzfus HSC - Radiology
112. JoNell Strough ECAS - Psychology
113. Timothy Sweet ECAS - English
114. Aaron Timperman ECAS - Chemistry
115. Sergei Urazhdin ECAS - Physics
116. Steve Urbanski Journalism
117. Daniel Van Vliet ECAS - Math
118. Matthew Vester ECAS - History
119. Scott Weed HSC - Cancer Center
120. Lisa Weihman ECAS - English
121. Jeffrey Wells ECAS - Biology
122. Christopher Wilkinson CCA - Music
123. Matthew Wilson AF&CS - Animal & Nutritional Science
124. William Wonderlin HSC - Biochemistry
125. Steven Zdatny ECAS - History
126. Jeremy Zelkowski ECAS - Math
The WVU Faculty listed here include tenured, tenure-track, instructors, lecturers, adjuncts, and extension faculty at the Morgantown and other campuses.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
mail to BOG President Goodwin from a retired faculty member
Dear Mr. Goodwin:
As a former faculty member of West Virginia University (for 28 years), I am embarrased and dismayed by the actions of top officials at WVU in regards to the Heather Bresch scandal. To give the guilty persons a huge salary to return to their faculty positions as a "reward" for their actions is unconscionable. The salary is a policy of West Virginia, BUT: I believe that the offending officials satisfy the criteria for dismissal from the university set forth in Policy Document #2 of the Board of Governors, parts 12.1.1, 12.1.2 and 12.1.5, which say,
12.1.1 Demonstrated incompetence or dishonesty in the performance of professional duties, including but not limited to academic misconduct;
12.1.2 Conduct which directly or substantially impairs the individual's fulfillment of institutional responsibilities, in cluding but not limited to ... discriminatory practices;
12.1.5 Substantial and manifest neglect of duty.
The Board of Governors is required by its own policy document to bring the offending officials up on charges for dismissal.
Sincerely yours,
Sam B. Nadler, Jr.
Meeting of the entire WVU Faculty
Additional information will be forthcoming.
Questions can be sent to FacultySenateOffice@mail.wvu.edu
Monday, May 5, 2008
WVU faculty member calls for criminal investigation
the following accompany the current motions by senators. The chances
also to bring about a positive change in governance will increase.
Thank you,
H. Gingold
To: West Virginia Attorney General, [consumer@wvago.gov],
Dear Mr. D. McGraw,
I urge you to initiate a criminal investigation into the falsification
of documents by state employees. Please see reference [1] and the
enclosed panel report on the MBA degree [references eMBA report].
[1] http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/07355/843469-28.stm
Garrison must resign
Motions to be offered May 5 at special meeting of WVU Faculty Senate
Motion 1
Nigel Clark, Richard Turton(CEMR senators)
West Virginia University Faculty Senators are variously dismayed and
angered by the findings of the eMBA report, and recognize that the
incident defames and demeans our institution in the eyes of our faculty,
students, alumni and peers. These events have already created rifts in
our community, have shaken confidence in future University direction and
leadership, and will impact our future recruitment of faculty, students,
staff and donors. A change in leadership philosophy is needed beyond
mere compliance with the recommendations of the report, and a spirit of
shared governance will be an essential component of our recovery. In the
interests of asserting faculty commitment to academic integrity and
assuring our constituencies of our responsibility in governance, the
Faculty Senate:
(i) censures President Garrison directly for the occurrence of the eMBA
degree incident on his watch, and expects that he will espouse a
management culture that assures academic integrity and transparency in
all future administrative actions and hirings.
(ii) recognizes the importance that the Provost plays in leading and
regulating the academic mission and expects that the faculty will have
unusually strong input in the selection of our future Interim Provost
and Provost.
Motion 2
Kristina Olson(senator from Creative Arts) Marcello Napolitano(senator
from CEMR) Kevin Leyden (ECAS)
Our institutional reputation has been seriously compromised and
immediate steps must be enacted to restore it. We move that the Senate
Committee on Shared Governance be charged to make oversight of the
review panel’s recommendations their first priority and ask that they
provide a standing progress report at monthly Senate meetings. Their
efforts must ensure the faculty’s essential role in the governance of
West Virginia University. Going forward, we must put measures in place
to ensure academic standards and quality are the key criteria in
decisions affecting the University, so that a debacle like the Bresch
decision can never happen again.
Motion 3
Sherman Reimenschneider, Katy Ryan (ECAS senators)
The Faculty Senate of West Virginia University votes no confidence in
President Mike Garrison. For the good of the institution and for the
benefit of our students, he must resign or the Board of Governors must
require his resignation.
Petition to the Faculty Senate from WVU Faculty, May 4, 2008
We, the undersigned, support the resignation of President Garrison and urge you to do the same:
1. Katherine Aaslestad ECAS - History
2. Tim Adams ECAS - English
3. Mohamad Alkadry ECAS - Public Admin
4. Sandy Baldwin ECAS - English
5. Brian Ballentine ECAS - English
6. Tom Basden Extension
7. Gwen Bergner ECAS - English
8. Robert Blobaum ECAS - History
9. Robert Bossarte HSC - Community Medicine
10. Drew Bradlyn HSC - Health Research Center
11. Laura Brady ECAS - English
12. Mark Brazaitis ECAS - English
13. Paul Brown HSC - Physiology
14. Katherine Bruner ECAS - Geology
15. Jonathan Burton ECAS - English
16. David Cerbone ECAS - Philosophy
17. Nyles Charon HSC - Microbiology, Immunology, Cell Biology
18. Ian Christie ECAS - Math
19. Chris Ciesielski ECAS - Math
20. Robert Cochrane AF&CS - Animal Science
21. Dale Colyer AF&CS - Agriculture and Resource Economics
22. Patrick Conner ECAS - English
23. Robert Creese CEMR - Industrial and Manage. Systems Engineering
24. Scott Crichlow ECAS - Political Science
25. John Crotty CCA - Music
26. Brian Cushing B&E / ECAS - Economics
27. Jay Dolmage ECAS - English
28. Kurt Donaldson GIS Tech Center
29. Richard Easton ECAS - English
30. Boyd Edwards ECAS - Physics
31. Thomas Elliott HSC - Microbiology, Immunology, Cell Biology
32. John Ernest ECAS - English
33. Lara Farina ECAS - English
34. Jeff Fedan HSC - Physiology
35. Marty Ferer ECAS - Physics
36. Mary Ferer CCA - Music
37. Jorge Flores ECAS - Biology
38. Elizabeth Fones-Wolf ECAS - History
39. Ken Fones-Wolf ECAS - History
40. Peter Gannett Pharmacy
41. Harry Gingold ECAS - Math
42. John Goldwasser ECAS - Math
43. Steven Graber HSC - Biochemistry
44. James Harms ECAS - English
45. James Harner ECAS - Statistics
46. Kirk Hazen ECAS - English
47. Brad Hillgartner HSC - Biochemistry
48. Jeffery Hogg HSC - Radiology
49. Barbara Howe ECAS - History/Women's Studies
50. Ming-jeng Hwang B&E / ECAS - Economics
51. Arthur Jacknowitz Pharmacy - Clinical Pharmacy
52. David Keefer WVUP - Business
53. George Kelley HSC - Community Medicine
54. Virginia Kleist B&E
55. Robert Klingelhoefer CCA - Theatre & Dance
56. David Lewellen CEMR - Mech & Aero Engineering
57. Roger Lohmann ECAS - Social Work
58. Jay Malarcher CCA - Theatre & Dance
59. David Martinelli CEMR - Civil & Environmental Engineering
60. Michael Mays ECAS - Math
61. Steve McCluskey ECAS - History
62. Jerry McGonigle CCA - Theatre
63. James McGraw ECAS - Biology (Eberly professor)
64. Nancy McIntyre B&E - Marketing
65. Michal McMahon ECAS - History
66. Michael Miller HSC - Biochemistry
67. Hawley Montgomery-Downs ECAS - Psychology
68. Victor Mucino CEMR - Mech & Aero Engineering
69. Byron Nelson ECAS - English
70. Carolyn Nelson ECAS - English
71. Gordon Nunn CCA - Music
72. Erica Owens Yeager ECAS - Sociology
73. Robert Pack HSC - Community Medicine
74. Graham Peace B&E - Business Administration
75. Susan Pearce ECAS - Sociology
76. Michael Perone ECAS - Psychology
77. Janis-Rozena Peri CCA - Music
78. William Pettit HSC - Innate Health
79. R. Scott Pore HSC - Microbiology, Immunology, Cell Biology
80. Aina Puce HSC
81. Ben Ramsden HSC - Neurobiology and Anatomy
82. William Reece B&E / ECAS - Economics
83. Bill Reger-Nash HSC - Community Medicine
84. Heimo Riedel HSC-Biochemistry
85. Sherman Riemenschneider ECAS - Math
86. Kathleen Ryan ECAS - English
87. Adrienne Salm HSC - Neurobiology and Anatomy
88. Mary Ann Samyn ECAS - English
89. Joseph Scotti ECAS - Psychology
90. Judith Sedgeman HSC - Innate Health
91. Eva Segert-Tauger Law
92. William Skidmore CCA - Music
93. Ronald Smart ECAS - Chemistry
94. Richard Smosna ECAS - Geology
95. Patricia Soltzfus HSC - Radiology
96. JoNell Strough ECAS - Psychology
97. Timothy Sweet ECAS - English
98. Aaron Timperman ECAS - Chemistry
99. Sergei Urazhdin ECAS - Physics
100. Steve Urbanski Journalism
101. Daniel Van Vliet ECAS - Math
102. Matthew Vester ECAS - History
103. Scott Weed HSC - Cancer Center
104. Lisa Weihman ECAS - English
105. Jeffrey Wells ECAS - Biology
106. Christopher Wilkinson CCA - Music
107. Matthew Wilson AF&CS - Animal & Nutritional Science
108. William Wonderlin HSC - Biochemistry
109. Steven Zdatny ECAS - History
110. Jeremy Zelkowski ECAS - Math
For the record, the faculty who registered their opposition to this petition and gave explicit permission for their names to be made public are:
1. Janet Snyder CCA - Art
2. Alan Collins AF&CS - Agriculture
3. Daniel Miller AF&CS - Aquaculture
4. Tim Beardsley WVUP-Counselor
5. Bruce Freeman HSC
Emeritus Professor's Letter
Robert Leo Smith PhD
109 Fenwick Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
May 3, 2008
To the Faculty Senate
I am writing to express my concern about the future reputation of West Virginia University following the Bresch scandal that has received national attention and to urge firm action to resolve the situation.
I came to West Virginia University as an Assistant Professor in the Division of Forestry in 1957. I retired as Professor Emeritus in 1995 after 37 year of teaching. My four children received their degrees from West Virginia University, one on them from the College of Business. Over those years have experienced WVU grow from an enrollment of 6000 to where it is today. I watched the growth of the Medical and Evansdale Campuses and the emergence of the University as a recognized leader among academic institutions. This growth and academic achievement took place under the guidance of apolitical presidents with outstanding academic credentials.
Now in a short six months the reputation of West Virginia University has been tarnished under the aegis of a politically appointed president tied to the Governor’s office and Mylan Pharmaceutical. He possesses no academic qualifications for the position. His term to date has been highlighted and marred by the Rodriguez affair and the Bresch scandal. Both have sent a negative image of WVU across the country and diminished the University’s credibility and reputation as an academic institution.
The following will be the outcome if strong action is not taken:
1) It will very difficult to recruit a new provost willing to work under a president with such close ties the Governor, Mylan and a politically dominated Board of Governors.
2) When the opportunity arises, some faculty will leave to dissociate themselves from a tarnished institution.
3) WVU will experience difficulty in recruiting new faculty and students, especially to the Business School, in obtaining research grants, and in fund-raising.
4) The value of a WVU diploma will be diminished.
This is the most serious crisis that WVU has ever faced in its long history. Its ranking among academic institution is at stake. The faculty and Faculty Senate must show their courage and guts to vote no confidence.
There are those among the faculty who strongly support the president. Close examination of who they are and their positions in the University reveal they are protecting their own self-interests and not the interest of the University.
West Virginia University can regain and even strengthen its image and academic reputation if the president resigns, either voluntarily or forcibly, along with those remaining who were closely involved in the scandal, This action needs to be followed by a shakeup of an arrogant, politically-dominated Board of Governors, and a purge of state politics from operations of West Virginia University.
Failure to take these steps will destroy the academic status and credibility that West Virginia has earned over the years, squandered to save a flawed, incompetent president.
Robert Leo Smith
Professor Emeritus
Division of Forestry
Report to WVU Faculty Senate of an Unofficial Poll of Faculty Opinion
A public statement by one WVU faculty member on April 28, 2008 and subsequent press reports left the impression that WVU faculty opinion was divided about whether President Garrison should resign for the good of the institution. Since this impression did not correspond at all to what I had heard from faculty, I decided to try to come up with a rough measure of faculty opinion on this question. I am an historian of the Renaissance – since (ironically) I work mainly with dead people, I do not have experience polling live ones. I can see that there are a variety of flaws in this poll, but I did the best I could, given various constraints, and have arrived at a provisional result that can be reasonably accepted as the best rough approximation of true faculty opinion on this issue. The burden of proof to show that significant division does in fact exist within faculty opinion has now been shifted to those who might criticize this poll. If someone wants to devise a more ‘scientific’ poll and carry it out, I will be cheering them on! But in the absence of more persuasive evidence, it would be irresponsible to reject these findings.
1. Signatures were not solicited for a petition (in contrast to what was printed in press reports about the letter signed by 20-some HSC professors last week). The poll was simply publicized, along with an indication that those who publicly supported President Garrison’s resignation would be placed together on a petition. Many of those who went public felt like they were incurring some risk.
2. The poll / petition was distributed in four ways:
a. First, on Tuesday, April 29, I sent out an email (see text below) to as many personal acquaintances as I could think of in different departments. These people were asked to distribute it to their department listserves, and to ask acquaintances to distribute it further.
b. On Wednesday, April 30, he text was sent to the Daily Athenaeum and to the Dominion Post, which were asked to publicize it.
c. The text was also on several different blogs and websites, including two that are critical of President Garrison, the President’s own blog, and the Chronicle of Higher Education blog.
d. Finally, on Thursday-Friday (May 1-2) I sent mass emails to individuals listed in the Groupwise address book as faculty (including instructors, lecturers, adjuncts, and emeritus professors), whose last names begin with the letters A, C, F, K, P, U, V, X, Y, and Z (I would have chosen more letters randomly but ran out of time). If I knew that the departments of individuals had already received the message via departmental listserves, I didn’t resend the message. If individuals were listed as program directors or administrators but not professors, I did not send it to them (because I did not have time to verify whether such people were also faculty).
3. If faculty responded and told me that they wanted to sign the petition but did not explicitly indicate that they were willing for their names to be made public, I did not include their names on the petition.
4. 210 faculty responded by the deadline, which means that the sample size was roughly 10% of the entire full-time and part-time faculty community at WVU.
5. I did include on the petition the names of six faculty members who contacted me after 6:00 PM on Saturday, May 3, but their votes were not counted in the tally described below.
- As of 6:00 PM on Saturday, May 3, the numbers were 200 in favor of resignation and 10 opposed to resignation.
- Thus, according to this rough poll, 95% of faculty think that Garrison should resign, and 5% think that he should not.
- Of the 200 who support Garrison’s resignation, 104 are willing to have their names made public, and are identified on the attached petition. These people members of the following colleges: ECAS, B&E, AF&CS, HSC, Journalism, Law, Pharmacy, CEMR, and CCA. They include several department chairs and named chairs (but I didn’t do a rigorous count of all of these).
- Over half of the faculty who responded did not want to make a public statement because of fear of recrimination. These faculty include not only untenured tenure-track faculty and those on renewable contracts, but also full professors with programmatic responsibilities. This climate of fear is tragic, and seemed most intense among HSC faculty, some of whom did not even want to provide their names to me (in which case I did not count their votes). My guess is that had I had time to structure a truly anonymous poll, much higher numbers of HSC faculty, and faculty in general, would have responded.
- 32 HSC faculty indicated their conviction that Garrison should resign; 3 indicated their view that he should not.
- 107 ECAS faculty (the largest college in the university) voted for Garrison’s resignation; in absolute terms, this is over 20% of all full- and part-time instructors in the college.
- 10 GTAs responded, but I did not count them among the faculty. Of these, 9 supported resignation and 1 did not.
- Of the 10 who oppose Garrison’s resignation, only half expressed an explicit willingness for their names to be made public: the concern for confidentiality among them is roughly the same as for those who favor resignation, indicating that this climate of fear extends both ways.
Text of the poll / petition announcement
Dear Faculty Colleagues (apologies if you’ve received this, and thanks for forwarding it if you see fit),
Given the current state of affairs on our campus, it seems important to me to assess the views of WVU faculty (and not just faculty senators) regarding the calls for President Garrison’s resignation.
On Monday, April 28, Kevin Leyden (Political Science) claimed that “most people believe Michael Garrison has performed his duties beyond expectations” (as cited in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 29, 2008 – Leyden’s actual words were somewhat different). This notion requires verification. If evidence can be shown to prove that most faculty believe Garrison’s resignation to be unnecessary, I for one will pledge not to speak another word about it. The last thing that I hope to do is to make an already terrible situation worse, against the wishes of most members of the faculty community.
But if most WVU faculty believe that the restoration of university’s integrity requires Garrison’s resignation (at a minimum), then the Faculty Senate, the BOG, and the President’s Office must be made aware of this fact. For that I reason I am willing to compile a list of faculty members who support the proposed Faculty Senate resolution calling upon President Garrison to resign, and those who do not.
If you email me, I will tabulate the results and have them verified by someone whose views on this matter are contrary to my own. For those who support the resignation resolution, I would be happy to add your name to what would in effect become a petition that could be distributed to members of the Faculty Senate prior to Monday’s meeting. I realize that this is a methodologically imperfect procedure, but at least it should provide a somewhat more accurate sense of faculty views concerning this issue that so closely affects our collective reputation. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO REGISTER YOUR OPINION WHILE REMAINING ANONYMOUS, ANSWER “FALSE” TO QUESTION #2.
If you’re so inclined, please send me an e-mail (matt.vester@mail.wvu.edu) by Saturday, May 3, at 6:00 PM, with true or false answers to the following statements:
1. I support Garrison’s resignation (T/F).
2. I am willing for my name to be made public (T/F).
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Memorandum on Heather Manchin Bresch MBA Controversy at WVU
TO: Dr. Sherman Riemenschneider, Chairperson
WVU Mathematics Department
FROM: L. Zane Shuck, Ph.D.
Dr. Riemenschneider, this is to applaud your wisdom and fortitude in recognizing this Bresch scandal for what it is, and attempting to restore creditability to WVU by endorsing appropriate punitive measures for the perpetrators of this unprecedented act in a university in the United States of America. What a record to hold!
As an alumnus with two advanced degrees from WVU, a former Professor and administrator at WVU, and one who gives substantial donations to WVU each year, I am incensed at the notion that WVU and the BOG have not already cleaned house following the Bresch scandal! My alumni associates have similar opinions as summarized below. These thoughts, concerns, and questions, need to be circulated, if you will please, to all involved faculty and administrators, especially the faculty senators, for thorough consideration in their deliberations.
Beginning the "healing process" is totally premature! More major extractive surgery must be done before any healing can begin. It does not solve the problem to just clean up the scent if the skunk is not removed! This entire current spin begs the question, "Is there a second more offensive and equally serious cover-up being perpetrated?" Now is the time to begin a serious and thorough probe, best conducted by a grand jury with all parties under oath.
The fact that President Garrison has fingered Gerry Lang and Steve Sears as the scapegoat fall guys so that the bleeding will stop before it reaches him, or BOG Steve Goodwin, is reflective of the arrogance and type of character we need to eliminate in the WVU administration. People knowledgeable in the functioning of bureaucracies know how top administrators, "in handing off," can give vague instructions with spins for expected results to one, two or more levels below to absolve themselves of any blame, repercussion, or association with controversial decisions. It appears that resignations really need to start at the top with the BOG, where Garrison, a lobbyist, was reportedly hand picked by BOG Steve Goodwin, which has made a joke of the national search for a WVU President.
As a further serious indicator of the character/leadership problem with President Garrison, he even waved what appears as a carrot bribe in front of the faculty that he would get them increased salaries next year if he stays on as President. What a cheap inappropriate gesture! Does he really believe the faculty to be so gullible and naive? This is even more nauseous to the general public looking in from the outside!
The events to date and the current spins raise more questions than answers provided thus far. As a public institution, the public has a right to know more of the details of these two resignation arrangements, and all telephone and other private meeting discussions leading up to them from the Governor all the way down.
1. What were the discussions and terms of agreements among Garrison and Gerry Lang and Steve Sears?
2. Who has oversight authority to independently review or disallow these two very sweet deals involving what appears from newspaper reports as potential serious conflicts of interest?
3. What promises were made by Lang and Sears to Garrison in return if they resigned?
4. Are these arrangements in the best interest of West Virginia University, the faculty, students, State, etc?
5. What were the discussions of these arrangements with the BOG?
6. Is this really a good ole boy politico protecting a lawyer politico colleague as has been mentioned?
7. When did President Garrison learn of the actions of Lang and Sears to change the records, add grades, etc. and why did he not fire them immediately upon learning of it? Otherwise, would he not be either an accomplice, or totally negligent in his administrative duties? These questions have not been publicly answered to my knowledge.
8. As entrusted public officials, are they subject to prosecution, and class action lawsuits by having compromised the reputation and opportunities of faculty, researchers, students, and others associated with WVU, and who came to WVU under contracts for a different set of conditions?
This is no time for healing, but for an investigation that will provide all of the answers the public, alumni, students, faculty and administration and every West Virginia citizen deserves. The nation is watching. There are huge repercussions at stake! The reputation of WVU, and the entire State of WV, will cave in along with millions of dollars of donations to the University. There will even be impacts from granting and government institutions, and national ranking institutions. We are now the ugly duckling and the joke of the Big East! We are now ticker tape headlines on Fox News! What a national embarrassment!
I am shocked that some inside WVU do not seem to grasp the gravity and magnitude of this scandal and the irreparable damage. Reality will sink in when the alumni funds start drying up! What a message this sends to the nation about WVU! We must not tolerate any downplaying or any cover-up! The entire recruitment process for faculty, researchers, administrators, grants, students and athletes will be hugely impacted until this mess is totally cleaned up in the public eye. The jobs of all current administrators just got extremely more difficult, and will get progressively worse until there is a highly publicly visible top to bottom cleansing of this scandal!
I will not make any future financial contributions, and will encourage all alumni not to make any contributions until the flagship is uprighted and honor is restored by the resignations of all parties involved, and such sweet deals as published for Lang and Sears are rescinded. How can you award someone who has committed such an atrocity with such large salaries and less responsibilities? Have they not breached their contracts to the point that they should be voided? The current status appears as a mockery of justice, and totally unacceptable!
In addition to this scandal, the U. S. Department of Commerce just last week for the third year in a row rated West Virginia as the worst litigation State in the United States. How much more national embarrassment must proud West Virginia citizens endure? Until these recent embarrassments, we had been making great strides in improving the image of WVU and the State of West Virginia. What a setback!
WVU urgently needs to immediately and swiftly clean house of all involved in this record scandal, and recruit top quality, proven academic leaders and administrators from some highly respected universities around the United States. This is essential in order to salvage any of its reputation and all of the great achievements the faculty, researchers, other administrators and staff, coaches, alumni, and students have worked so hard for in recent years. WVU desperately needs an entirely new top administration and BOG leadership to preserve, dignify and represent their achievements.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
former wvu professor on garrison
from the Charleston Gazette, http://sundaygazettemail.com/News/200805010801?page=1&build=cache
"The resignations of Lang and Sears are important first steps, but the Faculty Senate should begin the process of revoking their tenured appointments for severe academic misconduct," former WVU professor Kevin Outterson said in an e-mail.
Outterson, an associate professor of law at the Boston University School of Law, is a former president of WVU's Faculty Senate and was a candidate in the search for a new dean at WVU's law school.
"I was a supporter of Mike Garrison as President, to the chagrin of some of my faculty colleagues," Outterson said in an e-mail. "I now admit that they were right. At any other flagship university, the Panel's Report would have resulted in the immediate resignation of the President. The damage to WVU is significant, and grows every day."
Friday, May 2, 2008
Motion to WVU Faculty Senate from Motion from Sherman D. Riemenschneider (senator from ECAS) and Katy Ryan (senator from ECAS)
This award has called the academic integrity of West Virginia University into serious question, has led to unprecedented public outrage and embarrassment to WVU, has compromised major donations, has created rifts in our community, and has jeopardized recruitment of faculty, students, and staff. We doubt that WVU will be able to restore its reputation and badly shaken confidence under his leadership.
MOTION: The Faculty Senate of West Virginia University votes no confidence in President Mike Garrison. For the good of the institution, he must resign or the Board of Governors must require his resignation.
scary! latest from a faculty member at WVU Health Sciences
"Some faculty feel pressed to sign letter backing WVU president"
Lead paragraph: "A prominent member of West Virginia University's Health Sciences Center and ally of WVU President Michael Garrison yesterday organized a faculty letter in support of the embattled executive, a letter some faculty members said they felt pressured to sign but did not."
Very depressing.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
From students:
We are Concerned WVU Students. We are writing to express our sincere
frustration with the current administration, especially President
Garrison. Students all over this campus are beginning to speak out
against the President and his staff that hastily gave an unearned
degree to Heather Bresch. We believe that this action was politically
motivated and done in utter disregard to standard academic procedure
of the University. We believe that it is in the best interest of
faculty, staff and students that for the sake of this community,
President Garrison should resign. We urge you to vote no confidence
and clearly recommend the resignation of Garrison and members of his
staff. We believe this is the only way our University and this
community can truly move forward. Additionally, please encourage your
students to speak out.
Concerned WVU Students
forwarded by a faculty member
I am writing you as a concerned parent, WVU Alumni, and WV resident in
reference to the Heather Bresch fiasco. I cannot believe that President
Garrison is using the Business and Economics Dean and the Provost as
scapegoats for his actions, I think that is a cowardly act on his part and
he needs to be brought to the carpet for his actions! For him to say he had
no involvement in the Bresch matter is an insult to my intelligence along
with everyone elses! In a matter that is this important, no one can believe
that the PRESIDENT of a university would turn it over to people under him!
In every syllabus there is a section on Academic Integrity. In short, it
discusses how each student and faculty/staff member is expected to follow
the highest level of integrity in their actions in the classroom. President
Garrison did not follow this "creed". How can you expect students follow
through with Academic Integrity when the PRESIDENT of the University can't
follow it himself? What message are you sending to potential
students/parents of WVU? To former students? To potential EMPLOYERS? To
financial supporters of this institution? The good name of WVU lies in the
balance at this time....thus in your hands! Vote NO CONFIDENCE in Mike
Garrison and push hard for his resignation. Help to restore Integrity to
the WVU name.
Thank you,
Robert J. Connor
sent by a faculty member to the faculty senate leadership
I am prompted to write you, as Faculty Senate leaders and the faculty rep to the BOG, by Mike Garrison's statement in response to the BOG's directive following release of the Bresch panel's report. The BOG directed Garrison to take responsibility for the errors made as well as to implement the panel's suggestions. In his official statement, Garrison failed to take responsibility for the mistakes made in granting Heather Bresch an MBA and so flouted an important part of the BOG's directive. Garrison's failure to take responsibility and his comments minimizing the gravity of the error(s) necessitates a response from the Faculty Senate.
The report was clear, comprehensive, and unequivocal in finding that administrators' actions were "seriously flawed"; that awarding the bogus degree entailed "failures of process and failures of leadership"; and that these failures were "unique to this particular, high-profile case, rather than . . . systemic" ("Bresch Panel report" 4).
Speaking for the BOG, Steve Goodwin directed Garrison to take responsibility for these problems: "It is the recommendation of the Board that you as president of West
Virginia University accept responsibility for errors in judgment and
procedures relative to this matter made by members of, and personnel
affiliated with, the administration" (WVU E-News, 4/23).
In his response statement, Garrison took responsibility for implementing the Panel's suggestions but did not "accept responsibility for errors in judgment and procedures relative to this matter." In the only passage to mention taking responsibility, Garrison said, "As president, I take full responsibility for implementing the recommendations of the panel as required by the Board" (WVU E-News, 4/23).
Garrison further evaded responsibility and minimized the impact of the errors in judgment and leadership for the WVU community by expressing regret for the investigative process rather than for the actions that resulted in awarding Bresch a false degree: "I deeply regret that the West Virginia University community, here on campus and around the state and the world, has had to endure the lengthy process that led to this day." The lengthy investigative process that led to such a comprehensive, frank, and objective report, rather than taxing the WVU community, works to restore faith in WVU's academic integrity. It is the flawed process of awarding the false degree, not the fact-finding process, that damaged the WVU community.
Further, Garrison seemed to defend as systemic a process that the panel found not only flawed but unique to this high-profile case: "As an institution, we celebrate the fact that we have a culture that invites students and alumni to bring their questions and concerns to the
Office of the President. My practice has been, and will continue to be, to refer individual academic concerns to the appropriate office - the provost, or a vice president or dean - for disposition, or the Office of Student Life to assist with questions." While I also support the university's open-door policies, it is clearly not typical that student complaints get referred from the President's office to the Provost. It is disingenuous to claim otherwise. In fact, the panel found that "the rush to judgment in Ms. Bresch's case was driven primarily and inappropriately by concerns about public relations and by Ms. Bresch's high profile" ("report" 16).
Although Garrison said he would implement the panel's suggestions, he seems to refute the validity of its finding that this constituted a unique and problematic situation of special treatment and, instead, offers to see that WVU "adhere to the best practices and highest standards in the area of student and alumni record keeping" (WVU E-News 4/23). In fact, the Panel report clearly stated that the flawed decision making process regarding Bresch had nothing to do with flawed record-keeping. Moreover, the report was at pains to stress that WVU's record-keeping systems worked well enough to ensure the value of all other students' MBA degrees. Thus, Garrison's commitment to implementation erroneously focuses on record-keeping rather than on the lack of safeguards ensuring that all students are treated equally and fairly.
I am not one of those faculty members calling for the heads of administrators in the wake of this scandal. If our top administrators, and especially the president, had responded to the panel's findings with humility and integrity and had taken responsibility for the flawed decision-making process, I would have been satisfied with a commitment from them to set up safeguards ensuring that such events did not recur. However, in the wake of Garrison's evasive response, which directly flouted the BOG's directive to take responsibility, which did not acknowledge the damage done by the administration's actions, and which did not evince understanding of the nature of the problem (administrative leadership, not record-keeping), I would argue that it behooves the Faculty Senate to take further action in the immediate future rather than waiting for Garrison's report to the BOG at their next meeting. I do not have a particular Senate action in mind, but I would suggest, at a minimum, that the Senate propose and attempt to pass a resolution outlining the ways that Garrison's response to the panel report and to the BOG does not adequately address crucial issues and fails to take the institution forward and past this damaging event.
a statement sent last weekend to Miles Layton at the Dominion Post
When Mike Garrison was appointed president, I was willing to give him a chance despite his lack of academic credentials. He’s tried to respond to faculty and staff needs by raising salaries to make WVU competitive with peer institutions, starting work on the daycare center, and instituting a program to help new faculty spouses find employment in
The gross infractions of academic integrity committed to give Heather Bresch an unearned eMBA undermines our mission as educators and devalues our students. WVU students work hard in their classes, often while working long hours at outside jobs to put themselves through school. They value their education, respect their professors, and commit to earning their grades and their degrees. I feel privileged to teach them. For their sake, as well as for the rest of WVU’s stakeholders, the administration must commit to restoring the university’s reputation for academic integrity.