If you are concerned about the Garrison regime, if you are unable to post to "Mike's blog," this is the place...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

responses from concerned wvu alumni and friends

The MIR petition is closing in on 500 names. A number of people signing also added powerful and moving responses to the scandal. Here are a few, with the names removed.

"My Daughter is about to get her EED from WVU. I know the hours and nights she has spent getting this far and to have a a scandal like this is heart breaking . I am suprised at the lack of concern Mr. Garrison shows concerning the school. It seems his number one concern is him self. I support his resignation at once."

"I am a proud Doctoral graduate (2006) of WVU. I am greatly dismayed by the lack of vision; integrity and basic leadership that I have watched grow across all facets of the University. Mike Garrison is simply a symptom of what is very wrong at West Virginia University."

"I am currently enrolled in the EMBA program and have found this whole situation very unsettling. This whole process has been pure cronyism."

"I attended both undergraduate and graduate school at WVU (BA, 1968; MS. 1970) where I was active in student gov't. Still attend workshops every year at the HSC. My husband graduated from the College of Law in 1970. He has been an active fund raiser over the years for the Law School. One of our sons is a graduate of the Law School, as well. We all credit WVU with giving us the opportunities that have enhanced our lives in countless ways. It is unfortunate that the institution which has been the source of so much pride could now be regarded with shame and embarrassment. Thank you, Professors, for standing up to the administration. Let us know what we can do to help."

"I earned a B.A. from WVU in 1975, and an M.A. in 1978. I taught in the Department of Foreign Languages during graduate school and briefly after receiving my M.A. I have always been a loyal WVU supporter, and am saddened and appalled by this scandal."

"My son, who attends WVU, said to me yesterday, Dad, you have always stressed that cheating is bad, but what is it called when people in power cheat? Then he said, "Will my degree from WVU really mean anything now?" As a WVU graduate, I ask, where are the ethics and who is responsible? Politics and Education as Politics and Religion do not mix!"

"I moved here from Louisiana in 1998. I am married to a law school alum. I have grown to love the school, mostly as a sports fan. I have worked in WV State Gov't and think it's worse than La. politics. I would not let my child attend the school without big change. The person most reponsible for this dynamic is Joe Manchin."

"I'm a sophomore computer science and engineering major. I'm tired of the embarrassment this has caused for the university. I'm also tired of Garrison's stubborness when everyone else has been resigning and with all the eyes on him."

"I'm a 23 year-old West Virginia native and now proud Mountaineer. I'm currently a sophomore with intentions of going to Medical School here at WVU. I joined the military to pay for school. Some people get scholarships and student loans. Governor's daughters don't have to pay or even complete the courses...must be nice. I'd like to have his office number so I can call him up and have his staff fabricate a degree for me. Then again...I wouldn't have the education I need. What's that say about Ms. Bresch?"

"I am a 1979 graduate of WVU and live in Charleston. My father's career was in Higher Education serving as President of Parkersburg Community College, President of Potomac State College, Provost at Rochester Institute of Technology and President of Bethany College. I do not believe WVU move forward after the dishonesty that has occured under Mike Garrison's administration. He must resign. I fully support your efforts."

"I am a student at WVU, and this sort of action cannot be tolerated. President Garrison, if you care at all about this University, then it is your duty to recognize your mistake, and to step down."

"Faculty Member in Physics since 1971. I have fond memories of the period at WVU before Hardesty when the Presidency was not politicized, when the atmosphere seemed more collegial, and when I wasn't afraid of the upper administration."

"a recent wvu emba graduate who was a proponent of the program feels that my degree has been significantly devalued and that if practically any other student would have to reenroll and complete the degree requirements - universities are for academics not politics"

"i am a WVU alumni, living in new york, and i would like for my degree to mean something (since *I* earned it, after all)."

"I received a PhD in history from WVU in 1977. I am removing the credential from my resume and will probably never again tell anyone I went to WVU. I also have degrees from UCLA, University of Oklahoma and University of North Carolina."

"1976 MBA graduate (yes, I did fulfill all the requirements!). Football season ticket holder for 34 years. Long time supporter of the WVU Foundation, but will suspend contributions until Garrison is gone. Former Board of Advisors member for the College of B&E - resigned to support Dean Sears who I believe has been made a scapegoat by Garrison and Walker."

"A dear friend was a graduate of the first medical class to graduate at WVU many years ago. Also, I had a niece who graduated from WVU several years ago. She went on to become a leader in sports medicine. My late wife and I attended her graduation and were very impressed by WVU's campus and reputation. I now feel that this scandal and Mr. Garrison's bismirching of the reputation of our premier West Virginia University is reprehensible and he should step down as its titular head. His refusal to do so will bring only further unwelcome light to WVU."

"I am a second generation Mountaineer. I received my B.A. from WVU and I'm currently working on my Ph.D. at WVU as well. I am saddened by the events surrounding Garrison and his appointment as president!"

"I am WVU alumni. I graduated in December, 2007, from davis college of agriculture, forestry and consumer sciences. Until this thing happend I was very proud to show my diploma to anyone, but after this, if I say that I am graduated from WVU, people are straightaway asking me that "Is WVU selling diplomas for money and power??". To maintain the integrity of the institution Mr. Mike Garrison should resign immediately. I appreciate whom ever created this website and I am ready to vote against mike any time any place. Thanks."

"MA in history as well as ABD in history. My WVU degree gave me the skills I would use to become a business and technology journalist. Now, I find that my beloved school has at its head someone who can say that he takes responsibility for this shameful chapter in WVU history, but won't follow through with the actions that come with responsibility. Garrison must go."

"I am the parent of an incoming freshman for the 2008 school term. I am concerned about the impact of this scandal on his academic future and specifically on the integrity of the degree which he will eventually earn."

"I am a graduate of WVU in 1971 and was born and raised in Parkersburg. I am very disturbed about all the negative press WVU is receiving around the country. I live in Omaha, NE and it is embarrassing to see articles in our papers which hurt WVU. It is time for all West Virginians to stand up and call for the resignation of the WVU president, West Virginia governor, and the board of governors. Clean house and replace these individuals who continue to hurt the state of WVA."

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