[NOTE: The WVU Faculty listed here include tenured, tenure-track, instructors, lecturers, adjuncts, and extension faculty at the Morgantown and other campuses.]
We, the undersigned, support the resignation of President Garrison and urge you to do the same:
1. Katherine Aaslestad ECAS - History
2. Tim Adams ECAS - English
3. Mohamad Alkadry ECAS - Public Admin
4. Sandy Baldwin ECAS - English
5. Brian Ballentine ECAS - English
6. Tom Basden Extension
7. Gwen Bergner ECAS - English
8. Robert Blobaum ECAS - History
9. Robert Bossarte HSC - Community Medicine
10. Drew Bradlyn HSC - Health Research Center
11. Laura Brady ECAS - English
12. Mark Brazaitis ECAS - English
13. Paul Brown HSC - Physiology
14. Katherine Bruner ECAS - Geology
15. Jonathan Burton ECAS - English
16. David Cerbone ECAS - Philosophy
17. Nyles Charon HSC - Microbiology, Immunology, Cell Biology
18. Ian Christie ECAS - Math
19. Chris Ciesielski ECAS - Math
20. Robert Cochrane AF&CS - Animal Science
21. Dale Colyer AF&CS - Agriculture and Resource Economics
22. Patrick Conner ECAS - English
23. Robert Creese CEMR - Industrial and Manage. Systems Engineering
24. Scott Crichlow ECAS - Political Science
25. John Crotty CCA - Music
26. Brian Cushing B&E / ECAS - Economics
27. Jay Dolmage ECAS - English
28. Kurt Donaldson GIS Tech Center
29. Richard Easton ECAS - English
30. Boyd Edwards ECAS - Physics
31. Thomas Elliott HSC - Microbiology, Immunology, Cell Biology
32. John Ernest ECAS - English
33. Lara Farina ECAS - English
34. Jeff Fedan HSC - Physiology
35. Marty Ferer ECAS - Physics
36. Mary Ferer CCA - Music
37. Jorge Flores ECAS - Biology
38. Elizabeth Fones-Wolf ECAS - History
39. Ken Fones-Wolf ECAS - History
40. Peter Gannett Pharmacy
41. Harry Gingold ECAS - Math
42. John Goldwasser ECAS - Math
43. Steven Graber HSC - Biochemistry
44. James Harms ECAS - English
45. James Harner ECAS - Statistics
46. Kirk Hazen ECAS - English
47. Brad Hillgartner HSC - Biochemistry
48. Jeffery Hogg HSC - Radiology
49. Barbara Howe ECAS - History/Women's Studies
50. Ming-jeng Hwang B&E / ECAS - Economics
51. Arthur Jacknowitz Pharmacy - Clinical Pharmacy
52. David Keefer WVUP - Business
53. George Kelley HSC - Community Medicine
54. Virginia Kleist B&E
55. Robert Klingelhoefer CCA - Theatre & Dance
56. David Lewellen CEMR - Mech & Aero Engineering
57. Roger Lohmann ECAS - Social Work
58. Jay Malarcher CCA - Theatre & Dance
59. David Martinelli CEMR - Civil & Environmental Engineering
60. Michael Mays ECAS - Math
61. Steve McCluskey ECAS - History
62. Jerry McGonigle CCA - Theatre
63. James McGraw ECAS - Biology (Eberly professor)
64. Nancy McIntyre B&E - Marketing
65. Michal McMahon ECAS - History
66. Michael Miller HSC - Biochemistry
67. Hawley Montgomery-Downs ECAS - Psychology
68. Victor Mucino CEMR - Mech & Aero Engineering
69. Byron Nelson ECAS - English
70. Carolyn Nelson ECAS - English
71. Gordon Nunn CCA - Music
72. Erica Owens Yeager ECAS - Sociology
73. Robert Pack HSC - Community Medicine
74. Graham Peace B&E - Business Administration
75. Susan Pearce ECAS - Sociology
76. Michael Perone ECAS - Psychology
77. Janis-Rozena Peri CCA - Music
78. William Pettit HSC - Innate Health
79. R. Scott Pore HSC - Microbiology, Immunology, Cell Biology
80. Aina Puce HSC
81. Ben Ramsden HSC - Neurobiology and Anatomy
82. William Reece B&E / ECAS - Economics
83. Bill Reger-Nash HSC - Community Medicine
84. Heimo Riedel HSC-Biochemistry
85. Sherman Riemenschneider ECAS - Math
86. Kathleen Ryan ECAS - English
87. Adrienne Salm HSC - Neurobiology and Anatomy
88. Mary Ann Samyn ECAS - English
89. Joseph Scotti ECAS - Psychology
90. Judith Sedgeman HSC - Innate Health
91. Eva Segert-Tauger Law
92. William Skidmore CCA - Music
93. Ronald Smart ECAS - Chemistry
94. Richard Smosna ECAS - Geology
95. Patricia Soltzfus HSC - Radiology
96. JoNell Strough ECAS - Psychology
97. Timothy Sweet ECAS - English
98. Aaron Timperman ECAS - Chemistry
99. Sergei Urazhdin ECAS - Physics
100. Steve Urbanski Journalism
101. Daniel Van Vliet ECAS - Math
102. Matthew Vester ECAS - History
103. Scott Weed HSC - Cancer Center
104. Lisa Weihman ECAS - English
105. Jeffrey Wells ECAS - Biology
106. Christopher Wilkinson CCA - Music
107. Matthew Wilson AF&CS - Animal & Nutritional Science
108. William Wonderlin HSC - Biochemistry
109. Steven Zdatny ECAS - History
110. Jeremy Zelkowski ECAS - Math
For the record, the faculty who registered their opposition to this petition and gave explicit permission for their names to be made public are:
1. Janet Snyder CCA - Art
2. Alan Collins AF&CS - Agriculture
3. Daniel Miller AF&CS - Aquaculture
4. Tim Beardsley WVUP-Counselor
5. Bruce Freeman HSC
If you are concerned about the Garrison regime, if you are unable to post to "Mike's blog," this is the place...
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